Pepe Nummi – Beyond Brainstorming – Idealogue Method

Pepe Nummi

Beyond Brainstorming –
Idealogue Method
MARCH 1, 2023

12:15 PM to 1:00 PM EST

Beyond Brainstorming – Idealogue Method
In this session you learn a North European facilitation method called Idealogue.

The idealogue method is an improved alternative to traditional brainstorming methods and doesn’t just allow for ideas to be created and shared, but also helps facilitate the understanding of shared ideas, creating group consensus.

Traditional brainstorming methods have proven effective in generating and sharing ideas, but often times a person is most concerned with making sure that their ideas are being heard, and understood. Instead of focusing on others, they are focused on making others hear their own ideas, with the result being that they find it challenging to connect their ideas with others and to form a common understanding. Idealogue is a group tool that not only helps people to understand ideas, but to also connect them to other ideas and to reach group consensus on what the best ideas are.


    About Pepe Nummi 

    Pepe Nummi from Finland began his leadership career in 1990 and has worked as a facilitator since 1998. Pepe is a facilitation trailblazer. He has served as the inaugural chairman of the Finnish Association of Facilitators, and is a co-founder of Grape People, a facilitation training company. On top of all this, Pepe is the developer of the Idealogue Method, and is the author of The Handbook of Facilitation (2007), The Handbook of Virtual Facilitation (2012), Beyond Brainstorming – Idealogue (2016), The Handbook of Facilitative Leadership (2018) and The Handbook of Professional Facilitation (2021). Over the course of his long career, Pepe has provided facilitation services in over 20 countries and has trained over 15,000 facilitators.

    You can connect with Pepe here:


    Grape People