Pedram Parasmand – The Art and Science of Facilitation

Pedram Parasmand

The Art and Science of Facilitation
MARCH 1, 2023

2:30 PM to 3:15 PM EST

The Art and Science of Facilitation
Stand out as a masterful facilitator using a unique approach to designing and facilitating transformational workshops.

Facilitation requires a combination of creativity, intuition, and structure.

Yet, most of us who facilitate get away with a ‘winging-it’ approach to designing and delivering workshops. We have a toolkit of methods and exercises, picked up tricks of the trade through trial-and-error, and more than likely relied on our intuition, enthusiasm, or just being good with people.

However, this approach can lead to inconsistent results, feelings of overwhelm and frustration.

You agonise over what goes in and doesn’t go into a workshop. Work hard in sessions because people get lost as to what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. More than likely, you’ve felt rushed or flustered as you run out of time.

To avoid these pitfalls, you need a practical and repeatable process for crafting and facilitating purposeful workshops.

In this talk, Ped draws on his 20+ years of facilitation experience to share a process rooted in the art of storytelling and the science of learning design. He shows you to transform your ‘trial-and-error’ approach into a bulletproof, evidence-based facilitation structure that fully engages your attendees and guides them naturally to their a-ha moments.

Leave the talk with the know-how on facilitating high-value workshops.


    About Pedram Parasmand

    Ped brings 20+ years of learning design and facilitation experience in the public, private and charity sectors. He’s delivered bespoke programming to clients such as Google, Netflix, Red Bull, and The British Council. As an ex-Theoretical Physicist who loves systems and frameworks, he developed tools and templates to create a repeatable process to design, develop and facilitate transformational experiences. His methodology blends academic approaches from Instructional Design and Adult Education with practical methods from Design-Thinking, Leadership Development, Systems Coaching and Storytelling. He now supports coaches and consultants in creating high-value workshops that get clients results and has them stand out from the crowd.

    You can connect with Pedram here:
