Jason Frasca – Iain Kerr – Innovation Led Leadership with Complex Adaptive Systems

Jason Frasca

Iain Kerr

Innovation Led Leadership with Complex Adaptive Systems

January 11, 2023

12:15 PM to 1:00 PM EST

Innovation Led Leadership with Complex Adaptive Systems
This talk seeks to provide a broad overview of how innovation itself might lead without “leadership” in co-emergent contexts with different practices and approaches that can assist in this effort.

Does innovation require leaders to lead? Innovation — the emergence of novelty within organizational ecosystems is resolutely non-linear, distributed and relation dependent — as such it is irreducible to the specific actions of any particular individual or leader. From the perspective of innovation that is emerging in the context of complex adaptive systems, is there a better way to approach both innovation and leadership by focusing on the agency (and ultimately leadership) of the system itself? This talk seeks to provide a broad overview of how innovation itself might lead without “leadership” in such co-emergent contexts and how different practices and approaches can assist in this effort.

About Jason Frasca and Iain Kerr

Emergent Futures Lab is a strategic innovation consulting firm. We’ve pioneered award-winning innovation processes, frameworks, methods, tools, and practices that transform organizations into disruptive innovators to thrive in our changing world.

Jason Frasca is an entrepreneur focused on leveraging emerging technologies for meaningful social transformation and whose ventures have taken him into a wide variety of spaces from health to law. His expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation led him to be hired as the first full-time faculty of the Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Montclair State University, where he co-founded and co-directs the MIXLab – the campus innovation and research center, in addition to being a founding partner of Emergent Futures Lab.

Iain Kerr is a designer and innovation researcher working at the intersection of creativity, ecology, and emergent systems to make disruptive changes possible. His unique approach evolves from over twenty-plus years of experimenting across and beyond the zones of industry, the arts, and ecology. He co-directs the MIXLab at MSU and is a founding partner of Emergent Futures Lab.

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