Dr. Sharon Varney – Dynamic patterning: Slow down to speed up

Sharon Varney

Dynamic patterning: Slow down to speed up!

January 11, 2023

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM EST

Dynamic patterning: Slow down to speed up!
If you want to ride on the coat tails of natural agility in organisational life, then pay close attention to the dynamic patterning.

Complexity and change come as a package. Many people forget that. They rush after change, never catching up with their changing world, leaving a host of unintended consequences in their wake. They brush off emerging problems and missed opportunities in their race to the next big thing … and so it goes on. That’s not agility, it’s agilitis!

Yet, being fully aware of the entangled nature of the world also brings practical challenges. When the implications of what we say and do are unclear, and the holistic view is overwhelming, it’s tempting to retreat to familiar patterns such as ‘all talk’ and ‘analysis paralysis’. Meanwhile, the world is changing.

In this session, Sharon unpicks the ‘Complexity Conundrum’. She explains why speeding up is the wrong response in a complex world that’s in constant motion. She introduces the idea of dynamic patterning and explains why spotting the ‘vital signs of change’ can reveal opportunities for action – tipping the balance to help us in grasping emerging opportunities and heading off emerging problems sooner. That’s real agility!


About Sharon Varney

Dr Sharon Varney is a leadership and change consultant, author and educator. She works internationally helping her clients to successfully manage their leadership and change challenges in a complex world that’s in constant motion. Sharon is known for making complexity science insights accessible and useful, without dumbing them down. Insights from her award-winning doctoral research have been successfully applied by managers and professionals in many sectors. They are now available to all in her highly-acclaimed book ‘Leadership in Complexity and Change: For a world in constant motion’, De Gruyter’s business book of the month in October 2021. Sharon runs boutique organisational consulting practice space for learning ltd and has a long association with triple-accredited Henley Business School.

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