Donna Spencer – Facilitating idea generation workshops

Donna Spencer

Facilitating idea generation workshops
MARCH 1, 2023

3:30 PM to 4:15 PM EST

Facilitating idea generation workshops
How to facilitate a particular kind of workshop – one where you want a team to generate and select ideas

Let’s deep dive into a specific workshop type that is needed in most projects – the idea generation workshop. In this kind of workshop we want the group to come up with ideas to address a particular topic and, crucially, to prioritise and select ideas to continue with. We’ll look at how to set up the context so people actually have ideas, how to build on an initial set of ideas, how to decide on selection criteria and then select from the ideas (spoiler – no dot-voting!). And we’ll discuss the human element – why it can be hard for people to feel comfortable in this kind of workshop and why it will often end up with mediocre ideas.


    About Donna Spencer

    Donna Spencer is a product designer at MakerX. She has extensive experience in user experience, service design, workshop facilitation and information architecture. She has worked in government, education, with startups and much more.

    She is a regular conference and meetup speaker, article author and has written 5 UX-related books. She sews, weaves and knits, and is currently renovating an old house. Her cats are known around the world as they like to ‘contribute’ to all presentations and meetings.

    You can connect with Donna here:
