Dave Snowden – Distributed leadership – process over psycho-paternalism

Dave Snowden

Distributed leadership – process over psycho-paternalism

January 11, 2023

1:15 PM to 2:15 PM EST

Distributed leadership – process over psycho-paternalism

Most behaviour associated with good leadership emerged from the circumstances that created those leaders, it doesn’t have causality of itself. Interactions between people matter more than the innate qualities of those people – what we need a processes that can create distributed leadership at scale


The EU field Guide on managing in Complexity (and Chaos) established that most leadership is about co-ordination and connections rather than decision making. Other than in a crisis where decision making needs to focus on decisive action to keep options open. This presentation will look at new methods for distributed (not delegated) leadership, the creation of human sensor networks for decision support and the role or roles in managing complex environments. It will challenge maturity, competence and behavioural models of leadership.

About Dave Snowden 

Prof Snowden is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of The Cynefin Co (formerly Cognitive Edge). He is the creator of the Cynefin Framework along with a significant body of frameworks and methods. He originated and designed the worlds first distributed ethnographic software. His article on Leadership (Cover HBR) is one of the most cited in the field and he was the prime author of the EU Field Guide to Complexity.

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