Shifting form Project to Product

There has been plenty written over the last year about the need to shift from the world of projects to product-based development. These people – some of whom I provide links to in the further reading below – give compelling reasons for teams and businesses to begin to think about structuring work and engagements in terms of products that are managed rather than projects that are delivered. Here’s my perspective on this topic as it relates to the work I have done with large organizations as a coach and consultant. Let’s start by defining the difference between a project and a product.

So what is the difference between a project and a product?

Here is the definition of a project provided by the Project Management Institute (PMI):

A project has a defined beginning and end in time and is unique in that it is not a routine operation, but a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a singular goal and often includes people who don’t usually work together. At the end of a project, the team is usually disbanded and assigned to new projects with new team members.

On the other hand, a product is a good, service, platform, application, system, etc. that is created, maintained and supported by solving problems and providing benefits to specific customer and business needs. Products tend to be maintained by a stable group of individuals who do work together regularly and who bring in others as needed.

Major shifts in mindset are needed to move to from projects to products that support a Lean and Agile way of thinking.

Marina Alex – Seven Laws of Successful Agile Transformation



Seven Laws of Successful Agile Transformation

April 4, 2022
2:30 PM to 3:15 PM EST


Seven Laws of Successful Agile Transformation

During the last ten years, Agile experts around the world argue whether Scrum is a framework or a method.  They discuss which is better SAFe or LeSS.  But we seldom discuss why so many Agile transformations around the world fail! Why executives don’t embrace Agile and why they think Agile is only for information technology (IT) departments. During my talk, I will share 10 laws that helped me successfully apply Agile from the top down in such diverse industries as brokerage houses, TV, hotels, hospitality, retail, and health care. 

Law 1: Agile is a mindset that places the customer first-Here will we speak about an interesting example from the hospitality industry that was an approved case study for presentation for at Agile 2019

Law 2: Measure success of Agile transformation by growing profitability-Here I will tell the story of an American TV company where Agile in Sales methodology helped earn an extra 10 million dollars over the course of 1 year!

Law 3: Involve executives from the beginning of the transformation-This example will be from a brokerage company (5000 employees)

Law 4: Create cross-functional teams and involve sales and marketing in Agile Transformation-In TV, we formed cross-functional teams composed of buyers, planners, hosts, producers, analytics, sales, and marketing

Law 5: Improve collaboration between IT, Sales, and Marketing.  This will be demonstrated by the success of a B 2 B sales company where we applied consistent intradepartmental retrospectives.

Law 6: Change Motivation-This will be illustrated by a story from the dental industry where we created common profit motivation for all employees.

Law 7:  Involve Human Resources (HR) in the Agile journey at the beginning of Agile transformation.  Here, I will tell several case studies across different industries that indicate the critical importance of HR involvement.



Marina Alex is an entrepreneur, management consultant, and agile coach. She pioneered the practice of Agile Sales and specialises in building sustainable and robust agile organisations. She is an accomplished sales executive and, over time, has learnt what it means to be a true servant leader to sales teams. Under her guidance, her teams regularly outperform all other teams, exceed their sales targets, and enjoy coming to work. Over the last 6 years, Marina has developed an innovative sales technique based on business agility principles and practices. She has successfully implemented this in 4 major organisations across Russia (in the banking, insurance, healthcare, and hospitality industries). The most recent of these increased their sales performance from 43% to over 120% of target. Marina’s extensive sales background gives her a unique understanding of how business works – allowing her to uniquely solve complex cultural and business problems. During this time, she has launched more than 170 agile teams and coached more than 50 top-executives. Marina is the author of SWAY (Sales with Agile) which helps many sales teams across the world today.





    Leading Beyond Change: A Practical Guide to Evolving Business Agility

Michele Madore – Evolving Change Capability: A Conscious Integral Approach



Evolving Change Capability: A Conscious Integral Approach

April 4, 2022
1:25 PM to 2:10 PM EST


Evolving Change Capability: A Conscious Integral Approach

Change is great – changing is hard! The pandemic, climate change, and now the war on Ukraine, are just a few examples of the global challenges we are facing right now. There is no question whether or not ‘change’ is needed or desired – the question becomes how do we go through the ‘changing process’ in a more humanized and systemic way. To build capability in anything requires discipline – it is no different for building change capability. Using an Integral approach, we will explore the topic of evolving how to approach change in our organizations using disciplines that come from all 4 quadrants. You will leave with some practical applications for working with your organizational system patterns and change challenges.


Michele Madore is known for her ability to work with people, culture and change. She draws on a 30-year career as an organizational leader, consultant, and coach to help develop leaders and organizations. She has spent over 15 years helping organizations journey humanely to agility, and has coached and trained hundreds of Agile Coaches. She is the co-author of the recently published book “Agile Transformation: Using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework to Think and Lead Differently”. A Professional Integral Coach (ICC), she applies Integral approaches to help leaders succeed with their change efforts. She enjoys staying active in organizational client work, vertical leadership development, and development of Agile Coaches working with change at the enterprise level.


Gil Broza – Your Agile Blind Spot: What’s Limiting Your Agility?



Your Agile Blind Spot: What’s Limiting Your Agility?

April 4, 2022
3:25 PM to 4:10 PM EST


Your Agile Blind Spot: What’s Limiting Your Agility?

Does your Agile implementation produce meaningful agility? Too many implementations look fine, but they’ve really plateaued well short of their potential. They don’t produce meaningful agility: good flow of valuable solutions to real customer problems; drama-free, affordable adaptation; and a healthy, collaborative, engaged human culture. If you’re leading teams (directly or indirectly), or are facilitating your organization’s journey, do you know how much more Agile they can become? What could be missing, partial, or misapplied? What it would take to close the gap? In this talk, Gil Broza reveals the seven greatest and often invisible weaknesses of Agile implementations and what you can do to fix things.


Gil Broza helps tech leaders cultivate meaningful agility in product development. He also supports their non-software colleagues in creating real business agility in their teams. Gil has helped close to 100 organizations make Agile work well in their unique contexts by using his Right-Fit Agile system, which focuses on what really matters for agility: mindset, culture, and leadership. Companies also invite Gil for specialized support, such as strategic assessments, facilitation of large collaborative events, and keynotes for internal conferences. He is the author of three acclaimed books: The Agile Mind-Set, The Human Side of Agile, and Agile for Non-Software Teams. He lives in Toronto.



Michael Spayd – The Holon Shift: The Impact of Raising our Gaze to a Systemic Level


K. Spayd

The Holon Shift: The Impact of Raising our Gaze to a Systemic Level

Agile to agility April 4, 2022
3:25 PM to 4:10 PM EST


The Holon Shift: The Impact of Raising our Gaze to a Systemic Level

From the Western and Modernist traditions that permeate our society, we are strongly conditioned to see individuals rather than systems, to see parts rather than wholes. In the Integral model, we talk about “holons” — things that are both wholes and parts. We can zoom in to the individual level, or zoom out to the level at which individuals are parts of greater wholes — teams, departments, organizations. When we make what I call a Holon Shift, we are able to see a broader picture, the belonging and inclusion/exclusion dynamics, and the patterns that keep the system, and the individuals in it, stuck. In this talk, Michael explores both the impact of this shift, and ways to begin seeing more systemically and holistically.


Michael Spayd’s life’s work is about transformation and systems. Drawn to cutting edge ‘technologies’ for coaching organizations, leaders and teams, many have seen him as an influential force in the professional development of Agile coaching. In 2013, he introduced the Integral Model into the Agile discussion. In 2010, he cofounded the Agile Coaching Institute with Lyssa Adkins; he subsequently cofounded Trans4mation. In 2020, he founded The Collective Edge to work at the leading edge of change, including co-creating the Integral Sensemaking & Action approach to developing enterprise transformation leaders.


    James Priest – Sociocracy 3.0 – Creating The Conditions For People and Organizations To Thrive



    Sociocracy 3.0 – Creating The Conditions For People and Organizations To Thrive

    Agile to agility April 4, 2022
    12:30 PM to 1:15 PM EST


    Sociocracy 3.0 – Creating The Conditions For People and Organizations To Thrive

    In this talk, James looks beyond whole-system methodologies and frameworks to the principles and patterns that lie beneath. He’ll take you on a reflective journey, exploring the conditions that enable people to develop their fuller potential and work together effectively toward achieving common goals.

    Fundamentally, this is a talk about ways of helping people to learn how to better help themselves. It’s about the importance of developing a coherent approach for how you work together and about growing a culture of collaboration that compliments people’s natural desire for purpose, autonomy and mastery, so they want to engage and take responsibility for the course of the organization. It’s about learning to pay attention to what’s happening and needed as new situations arise and bringing more consciousness to how you’ll respond, utilizing the collective intelligence that’s distributed throughout the organization, to make smarter decisions and use your limited time, energy and resources wisely.



    Twitter: @jamespriest_S3