Ken Rubin: Business agility & organizational dependencies | Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #60

Ken Rubin

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:56

Who is Ken Rubin? And how did you get into this agile training, coaching consulting business, maybe not many people I think know who Ken Rubin is and how much you’ve contributed to our communities. So if you could please share, like how you got into this space and tell us maybe what your journey has been and who Ken is?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 01:19

Great to be here with you today. My background’s pretty straightforward. I started off as a software engineer. And first of all my degrees are in computer science, typical path through companies, I was a developer, a project manager, VP of engineering. I was also a VP of Marketing, VP of Sales, running a number of smaller software companies. I have done 10 startups in my career, took two of them public on NASDAQ. Last was back in 2000. During that really crazy period of time, I did a two-year tour of duty with IBM in the mid-1990s, where I had a 130-person team, we’d run around North America building large distributed object systems.

And that’s really my starting point, not at IBM. But if you go back to the late 1980s, I helped bring small talk out of the research labs at Xerox PARC. And we formed a startup company called Park Place systems. And anybody who’s old enough to remember that will recall that we were sort of early market object-oriented development languages, development tools, class libraries. And that’s really where agile started for me. I think a lot of people know that a good part of the Agile community finds its roots back to small talk development. Actually, I started doing small talk long back in 1986. Before I joined Park Place, they just hired me in because I had small talk experience, which was rare back in 1988. And I’ve been doing Agile since the early 1990s. In terms of the training and consulting part, at park place, initially I was in the training and consulting department until I grew it. And so basically from 90 to 95, I ran the training and consulting department at park place and so we had a team of people who go out and we train people in small talk and object-oriented development and we were sort of the forerunner of core

Agile principles. First time I ever did something like scrum was in 2000 formally, at that time, I was working for a startup in Colorado called Genomica. And we built software for statistical genetics, some fairly sophisticated life scientists’ software, and I inherited a team of about 90 people, wasn’t functioning all that well. We gave scrum a try, and it worked out much better for us. So it’s now 21 years of doing Scrum and Kanban and doing coaching along the way. So that’s sort of my route and all of this.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 03:40

So what is it maybe just something that triggered my thought in my head, which is like, you have Boston area where Jeff and Ken where and then you have Denver, and there’s a lot of history around Agile Scrum in Denver. Was there anybody particular that you partnered with or it was just something that was evolved naturally? So did you partner with anybody like Mike Cohen or anybody that’s in that area early on?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 04:14

I did. So I left California in 1995 and came out to Colorado, took that job with IBM, which was what brought me out here. Over the course of time when I first got here, after I left IBM, and went to this company called eventually to Genomica. The day my son was born, in 2000, I was in the hospital room and my wife had just given birth, I got called by, the CEO said, you need to come to the board of directors meeting. I’m like my wife’s in the bed.

We needed a board of directors meeting. So I went to the board of directors meeting that in Boulder, and they go yeah, we just hired the VP of engineering. And in addition to your other responsibilities, I was sort of the equivalent of like COO, I ran a lot of the other groups and she’s like, now you need to run engineering, you’re allowed to hire a new VP of engineering if you want. And I highly suggest that you do. And so I ended up hiring Mike Cohen.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:10

Oh, wow.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 05:13

And so Mike came in, we work together at that point. And that’s how we introduced Scrum and to Genomica back in 2000. And for people that are familiar with the Colorado Front Range, which is the part just east of the Rocky Mountains here. It is an intensely agile area. A lot of agile talent out here. And so it’s been a great place to live for the past 26 years, just involved with all that, park place was actually in the Bay Area. So in the early days, it was all Bay Area. Really, for the past 25 years back in Colorado.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:50

All especially agile, I think and in terms of how we know agile today there’s a lot of Scrum Alliance, offices, headquarters out there. So it is interesting. So thank you for sharing that. I didn’t know that. I just assumed that there probably was collaboration and a lot of sharing going on. Given that just there’s so much going on there. How do you define business and organizational agility? Different people define it differently. How do you look at business agility or organizational agility?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 06:27

It’s a great question. So to me, it’s the ability of an organization to inspect and adapt, right? To succeed in sort of a rapidly changing, and most certainly ambiguous, and one of my favorite terms turbulent environments. And I got to say you, the past 20 months have been the most amazing test of anybody’s organizational agility, right? If you weren’t inspecting and adapting over the past 20 months as an organization, sadly, you might not be here.

When I think of the restaurants around me here in Colorado, some really good restaurants are gone, just gone. They didn’t adapt. They weren’t very agile organizationally. Others that were predominantly sit-down restaurants realized that is a going out of business strategy last year, and they pivoted to do a good job of takeout. So that involves a lot, that involve the executive team being involved, it involved with people on the ground who actually have to do the work.

So by its nature, organizational agility pervades more than just one group. What if I said this to you, I have an idea, it’s a great way to build software, you’ll believe it’s a much better approach than how you’ve been doing it in the past. And your goal should be to adopt this and you’re going to be really, really successful. Was I talking about agile?

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 07:57

No, I mean in a way, but what I’m thinking, and what you’re making me think is like, just change and how, nobody was talking about what you need to do in the last 20 months. It’s just like, you got to adapt. And do you have that ability or not? That’s really what it was about, nobody cared what you did. It was, are you going to change or not? If you don’t change, and for a lot of companies and businesses, it was to survive or not, which makes me think about we talk about like, change takes, time change, at least the way that are perceived, a lot of times it just in my own experience in large organizations, but last 20 months, has made me think about, it can happen really quickly, if you have the right people and the right desire to change.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 08:52

My mindset. I mean, people who are inherently very nimble, in their thinking were able to adapt very quickly. You know what I mean? When I think about it, to me, it’s agile through the value chain. That’s what I’m looking for, for organizational agility. I mean, most organizations are, we start with Dev and IT that seems to be like the natural home, for agile for a lot of companies. But if you stop there, you’re not really going to achieve the kind of desired outcomes, as a business we probably want. We may get our dev and IT groups to be highly efficient at being agile, but they’re sort of they live within an ecosystem.

And unless that ecosystem itself is aligned, all we’re going to have is sort of a mismatch throughout. You say oh, yeah, we’re agile over here, but over there finance does its own thing and legal does its own thing. And you just kind of go through all the groups and marketing in sales that keeps pushing more work into development, right? You get the idea. Organizational agility is the ability to step back, look at the big picture, and understand as a system. Are we able to inspect and adapt it to really to the environment which we have to operate, which right now still was a COVID environment?

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 10:04

Yeah. It’s interesting, because the reason I asked, I was talking to Evan from business agility Institute and I was asking him, I was looking at the report from last year. And there were three things, it was leadership, mindset, not necessarily tied to the leadership, but just mindset overall. And silos that we’re in identifies the biggest constraints to business agility.

And you’ve done a lot of work with a lot of different organizations, you train a lot of people, I was looking, you train over 3000 people, you’ve worked with several 100 Companies. What are things that you see that are impeding organizational agility? Are those same things or do you see something different or maybe just a different perspective? I’m curious to know your thoughts.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 10:56

Yeah, I know. I think those labels are good ones. I approach it maybe a slightly different way. For me, organizations have an inertia, they’ve been doing something for a while, and it’s hard to stop that. And for some people, I guess they would call that a cultural impediments. Like culturally, we’re not aligned with doing this. That tends to be a fairly big issue in a lot of companies like these, it’s like, well, that’s not how we have done things, we’re comfortable, if they’re in a regulated environment, there’s even more of that, because we know we can pass an audit if we do it this way.

Not sure if we make a change to that. So and that aligns with sort of the siloed idea, most organizations are by their construction, very siloed, which works against this concept of achieving organizational agility. You have this idea that we should be able to go across the silos and include everybody that we need to get the job done. On that leadership one, I view that as for a lack of commitment at the top of the house. This idea that, hey, we’re going to start doing Agile at the team level, and then maybe percolates up a little bit further. And eventually, you just hit a ceiling. You don’t have the right kind of commitment, which I do think alliance with Evans leadership one, you won’t get there. And then there’s, I guess, they’re just myopic. Myopic, in the sense of it’s about Dev and IT right? That’s what we should be focusing our time on. We’ve already argued organizational agility is by its definition, larger than just that.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 12:29

Do you think it’s ignorance or lack of understanding? Because I see that too, in a lot of times, it’s really lack of understanding about what organizational agility is, and what are the enablers and what it takes. And so mostly the Peter Principle in a sense, a lot of times people have gotten to these executive positions. But they really, a lot of times don’t fully understand the concept of systems, right? And understanding the systems and how to strike even business architecture. And that can be an impediment because if you’re not willing to make those structural changes, those policy changes as leaders, then like you said, it’s only going to go so far.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 13:16

I do think, I agree with that. I think it’s a natural consequence of where we are in the adoption curve. Maybe if you think about Jeff Moore’s work on crossing the chasm. And this idea that you got early adopters, right? You get visionaries, then you kind of get to the early majority, the late majority, things like that. Agile and Dev and IT is clearly across the chasm. I mean, almost any company you talk to today says they’re probably doing something agile.

And you’ve even hit the late majority that people are like, I don’t move into everybody else move. They’re moving, right? But that’s Dev and IT. If you start broadening beyond that, I mean, the scrum Alliance used to do a survey right up. Where are you using Scrum in addition to Dev and IT? And you start to see things like well, HR or finance or legal or marketing things of that type. Now, it suggests that we’ve been in the chasm on that for a while. So you said is it sort of like an ignorance issue. It’s not malice, right? [inaudible 14:19] I think it’s like I thought it was about Dev and IT, right?

Now you’re telling me it can be broader than that. Where the examples point because remember, if you’re an early adopter, early adopters don’t care. They’re the ones making the examples, or the majority those like, I don’t move until I see the proof points where other companies have done it. I think we’re getting more and more of the so you could argue organizational agility is coming out of the chasm to the other side. But it’s been in the chasm for a long time, years. And I think that’s one of the bigger inhibitors right now.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 14:55

I agree. And so if we also look at it from Agile in the framework side, we’ve been on that side where it’s like, give me the recipe and people are realizing that just one size does not fit all. What do you think on that curve we are with frameworks and coming back maybe to small talk and patterns? Do you think where people are or where are companies with realizing that it’s really contextualizing things and understanding my context, not just saying, give me safe or give me this framework and thinking that there’s this cookie cutter of a methodology what’s called or framework?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 15:44

I think there’s a lot, there’s a great desire for frameworks. I mean, your scaled Agile has proved that, right? I mean, you put out a framework, and it’s well pictured, right? People look at it, and it appeals to a certain class of individuals. But I’m finding, I got a request the other day from a company, I signed a contract with them to do work, they go, okay, I want to talk about your framework for adopting agile framework. On are you expecting these large pictures like you’re used to seeing I mean, because every time I go into an organization to be of some assistance, there are certain things that we talk about, and it seems to be a theme.

But every company is different. And any company that’s ever told me, we’re going to use framework X, what they really meant by that is, we will mind framework X for good ideas. I mean, it’s rare that I encounter a company that’s like, oh, we went all in it, in fact, I did a survey on LinkedIn a couple weeks ago. And I asked the question when it comes to one of these scaling frameworks, don’t use them at all. Now, they’ve got a pretty high response rate, right? Use it, but mine it for good ideas that got the most and use it in textbook-like fashion, like 4%.

Like the multiple hundreds of people that responded to the survey. So I think it’s clear when the industry is on framework, the people like them, people want them, right? And yet, to the extent that they’re a source of good ideas, why not? Mind them for good ideas and create something that is culturally a good fit for your organization.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 17:26

So maybe to use analogy, you can mind a cookbook for good recipes. But if you don’t know what you’re doing in a sense of like if you’re putting custom recipes together, and you’re like, these are the ingredients I have, and a lot of times in organizations, it can be very appealing, even let’s just say, PI planning and safe, right? It’s a great idea and makes sense. But if I don’t fully understand the context that that pattern or practice has been put into place, then you have an issue a lot of times, and this is what I see in organizations where you have cooks that think that are chefs, implementing this stuff and making something that somebody will say, well, this is agile or this is it.

I don’t want to part of it. Is that also part of that kind of just natural curve of just trying things out and figuring out? If it is, could we assume that better days are ahead, in context that we’ve been learning over the last 10 years? We do have to contextualize that we can’t rely just on cookie cutter frameworks, and that we do need to have people inside our companies that are capable of helping and guiding us rather than continuously relying on consultants, like yourself and myself. Do you think we’re heading in that direction? Do you think that’s the right direction if we are?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 18:57

To back up to an earlier piece you were saying, I would describe what you were saying earlier as cargo cult. And that I think bigger problem today is that people look at these frameworks and they adopt them. They don’t really understand the underlying mechanisms, the underlying why that they’re doing these things, they just becomes mechanics at that point.

We do that. Why do you do that? Why do you do PI planning? What’s the purpose of that? How do you manage your dependencies? Or why are you doing it that way? If you don’t understand the foundational why that underlies these frameworks, you’re in no position to do anything other than adopt them, and just blindly follow them.

I honestly had a call today with a company earlier today, where they have an enterprise PMO that they put in place with the only reason of collecting all the data and holding everybody in compliance with the safe framework as they want to execute it and which is supposed to be textbook like. I’m talking to the fellow on the phone and he’s like how’s it working for you? It’s remarkably painful, right,? And we spend a lot of our time just doing things or not doing things.

Because if we do something we’ll be temporarily out of compliance with what we’re supposed to be doing and will look bad because of it, even though it was the right thing to have done [inaudible 20:18] in the frameworks working against you, right to do that. So now, the good news about the person I’m speaking with is, he does not have a cargo cult mentality, he actually does understand the underlying fundamentals as to why we’re doing it. Most people just getting started don’t. So it’s easy just to cargo cult, the thing, right? And just follow it blindly and expect results to happen, it won’t.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 20:41

And that’s part and what I’m seeing also is people that have gone through that journey from company to company, it’s easier to work when you have somebody that has gone through that, has tried it. And now, like you said, understands it. And it makes a lot easier, I guess to work with those organizations where you have leadership that sees the perspective that you’re trying to help them take. How do you scale? And to add, what are, we were talking about scaling, sometimes it really about the scaling, but what are your thoughts on end-to-end agility and scaling?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 21:22

So this one’s really important to me, because when I go into companies, I’m really curious. How are they organizing? So what is their unit for organizing at scale, right? Because for example, the obvious one that a lot of companies use projects, what a horrible unit for trying to organize at scale, right? I mean, projects are by their nature, fleeting, right? They start in a darn well, better end. All right, at some point, it’s kind of idea behind a project. So if you want to start to think about scaling, end to end agility, the first question every company should ask is, what’s the proper unit f or scaling?

Is it a product? Is it an application? Is it a customer journey? Is it a business capability? if you’re using say, if you’re going to use a value stream, right? So you need some unit that you’re going to focus on. And then the important part and this is the critical piece for me, is you need to create something I call a coordinated ecosystem. And the idea behind that is I’m just trying to align, remember end to end business, trying to align first, against this durable, business focused unit. So if we’re doing products, right? Products ought to be video customer facing, and long lived, durable. So the first thing you want to do is align your ecosystems, right?

With the instances of this durable unit, whatever it’s going to be, then you want to cross organizational alignment of resources in the order now to get everybody on the bus necessary to do the job, right? We’ll put them in an ecosystem. So if I need legal and compliance, right in there, and I need design, in digital, and all these other groups that are typically aligned with the normal development teams, I need them there, then they ought to be brought into the ecosystem, bring everybody sort of together and encapsulate them.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 23:17

So that’s almost like trying to minimize dependencies, trying to simplify things in many ways. So maybe before, I do have some question on dependencies, but I wanted to get your thoughts into it, since you brought it up, like organizing by value streams, or by customer journeys or product services. Typically, what I’ve seen asking a question first, like, who are your customers and users and then organizing? Maybe that’s a specific group of products. But how do you look at even if you’re coaching or maybe consultant like, when’s a good time? When is it good to organize by journeys or customer experiences versus product lines versus any. Is that dependent on anything? Do you have any insight f that or?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 24:15

Could actually be a kind of, usually companies choose one that they could. Occasionally I’ll see companies do new value streams or products and customer journeys, for example. Because for example, one organization that I’m working with has two separate conceptual entities that naturally go together column A and B. But they have to do onboarding. And onboarding as a customer journey is pretty much the same, right? Maybe some minor differences. So do you really want to have onboarding be part of A and B? Or do you want to just have a third, which would be a customer journey of onboarding?

Is the onboard a new customer journey? And so they may still have two products A and B or two value streams, A and B, but they complement it with this sort of onboarding journey, because it just makes sense to do that. I’m really looking for; this is a remarkably difficult problem. When people talk about it, like it’s like really easy. Oh, well, if I were an organizer on product, so my favorite question I ask is cool, tell me what your products are? Just write it out, tell me what your products are? And you just watch people fumble. Well, it’s this like, no, that’s not a product, that’s a component.

Well, what about this? Well, that’s not a product, I just asked you a simple question. What are your products? Now some companies can answer that, and they can be pretty definitive about it. And they’re going to have an easier time. I was at one company, took us three months to identify the products, the company. So anybody’s like, oh, let’s just let’s have a brainstorming session this afternoon. And we’ll sort of pound out what the products are.

Yeah, good luck with that. I mean, that usually doesn’t go that smoothly, in my opinion. So but it’s easier, you got to go down that path, you got to get away from projects, at least something, whether applications tend not to be the best unit, because you get sort of an inverse Conway problem, you start to organize your ecosystems around existing applications, which are already kind of like just as big quagmire of dependencies, a big ball of mud, like, why would I go out of my way to create ecosystems to match an application infrastructure that I have had for decades?

I would say, your systems going to reflect the communication channels of the teams that built it [inaudible 26:40]. Here’s what I want, this is the system structure I want. Maybe I create the ecosystems to get me to that. So there’s a number of ways to approach it, typically, products, value streams, business capabilities, or journeys, are going to be your top choices. And you’d have to figure out in your organization, which one makes sense, if you’re going to save, you’re going to use value streams.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 27:03

Yeah. Yeah, no, that’s really interesting, because it reminded me and maybe just to go back to what you’re saying, so for instance, onboarding, let’s just say, this happens a lot when I work with insurance companies, you might have a same onboarding process, right? Then you might have a dental insurance and vision insurance, right? So those could be separate. And what you’re saying is, the onboarding process could be the same for everybody. But somebody might just want vision and somebody might want dental, somebody might want all of those.

But the other thing, that’s interesting too, is what you brought up is systems, so like, you could have same system supporting both products in onboarding or different. And that’s a good example of why you wouldn’t want to organize by systems because they’re almost underlying and supporting those products or customer experiences. So I that makes sense to me. And I think that’s what I’ve seen also work well. And I don’t know if that’s a good example, from your perspective, if that’s what you meant.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 28:07

I mean most companies today, at least the ones that I encounter, are doing some form of tech modernization, they’re doing that because their system structure is not fit for purpose. If it was fit for purpose, they wouldn’t be doing tech modernization. So there’s an issue there. So why would you organize around that?

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 28:27

Another thing I see is some company, especially they’ve been around for too long, have too many products. And in a sense, it’s very difficult to organize when you have a lot of products, and you can’t prioritize, and you have limited resources from IT resources, human capability side. And sometimes it’s tough to get into the insurance space if you’ve sold the plan, 30, 40 years ago, you can’t buy, its always that it’s hard to let go of products. And sometimes the best thing is to shred things off and focus on what your strategy is. Do you see that to or where companies have just too much going on, too many things, products, or whatever it is that they’re supporting, and not enough capability and capacity?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 29:21

Yeah, and I think that problem occurs along multiple dimensions, not just the physical number of products, but think about the just the version, like you mentioned, like the 40 years, it’s been out there. So if you’re a product-based company, one of your questions is, how many versions back device support, right? And in the world of continuous delivery, what constitutes a version, right? So you do it by time, you will support something, a release that we did up to 18 months ago, and anything older than that.

We don’t, that we could be up giving you five updates a day. And on that I call those new versions, right? But you have to have the ability to spin up an environment to match a customer’s environment for a system that was installed 15 years ago, so you can try to replicate the problem. I’ve watched that particular issue, cause enormous grief in companies like, oh, we spend so much of our time just trying to do so. Well, maybe you shouldn’t do that. Oh, but we promised our customers. Yeah, maybe you need to make different promises.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 30:24

And make some tough decisions when it comes to that. But that’s another thing when, if you don’t have somebody to say like, this is what our direction is, envision this is where the focus is, we have to have a strategy to either get rid of these products or whatever, it’s a strategic decision. But maybe that goes back to the silos. It’s tough to say that, unless you’re either president or part of the board that you’re pushing. I don’t know. But that’s something that I see. Maybe to come back to the organization dependencies. So you’ve recently written a lot about that. You’ve talked about that. What are organizational dependencies, and why are they important?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 31:10

So yeah, this is to me, dependencies are what’s killing company’s ability to structure for flow at scale. And I define the dependencies to be pretty simple. I’ve got these two entities, two activities or resources and there’s a relationship between these two. And it requires some level of coordination in order to achieve good flow. So that to me is where the dependency is. These two things have to collaborate. And we have to orchestrate this in a way that we get good flow. And if we don’t, we can get blocked, which is where the problem comes in and blocked in the way like my team is dependent on your team to do the work.

And if your team doesn’t get it done, when you said you could, then my team is blocked and can’t move forward. And that causes a lot of big problems. So these organizational dependencies, the problem is, they tend to be woven into the fabric of most organizations. Now, those are the dependencies I call structural dependencies. It’s the equivalent like, hey, every time I need to do a UX, I need a UX design, I have my guy here, we’re agile, right?

We got to have post it notes, or it’s just not agile, right? That’s the feature I want to deliver to a customer, but the UX design team, I have to tear that off. And I have to go over it and put it into the backlog of the UX design team. Well, if every time I have to get a design, I have to tear my post it note and go give it to the UX design team, I have a structural dependency on that, meaning, it’s woven into the fabric of how we’re organized. So then I can use the complementary term, which is instantiated dependency.

So if I have 50 different designs, I need that team to do each one is an instantiation of the structural link, it’s classes and instances, right? The structural dependency is the class and the actual work like hey, design team, I need to design for the onboarding screen, right? And I go give that to them, then that’s an instance of that dependency. Now imagine, if you want to make real improvements in your organization, where you ought to be focusing your time, is on the structural dependencies, not on the instantiated dependencies.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 33:31

Almost like a root cause type of thing.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 31:33

If I get rid of the structure, mean what if I moved a UX designer onto my team? So next time, I have a post it note that pops up, right? I don’t have to tear it up. I could just add it, give it to the team and do it. I have eliminated all future instantiated dependencies. So that one move eliminated 50 instances of that dependency at some point in the future. So if you want to really get on top of your dependency problem, you need to focus on the structural dependencies first. Most people when they talk about dependencies other than feature teams, creating feature teams is a solution, one of the seven strategies for addressing structural dependencies.

But other than that, almost the entire rest of the conversation is all about instances. It’s the instantiated dependencies and blockers. And people use the term blocker and dependency as if they’re the same thing. And they are not, right? A blocker is a dependency that moved into the block state. I’m relying on the UX team to get this done by Monday. I have a dependency on the UX team. If they get it done on Monday, I never got blocked. Sorry, they didn’t get it done on Monday. I got blocked. So your every dependency has the potential to become a blocker, but every blocker is the result of a failed coordination of the dependency that bends. They’re not the same. So most of the world focuses on how do we manage and visualize and deal with instantiated dependencies. And when they become blockers, how do we manage it? I’m like great, what if you could avoid that altogether?

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 35:17

So besides addressing structural changes, how do you help? I think one of the things that’s very eye opening for people is just when they see the dependencies, and when they see just because a lot of stuff that we do is not transparent or visualized. So what are some of the things may be, is there anything that people can do to at least create awareness about that those dependencies exist? And then the follow up question to that is, there is also economic side and economic consequences of those dependencies, which a lot of times we’ll get leaders to listen more carefully when you’re talking about, the economic impact of those dependencies.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 36:10

Well, let’s go in that order first. The economics of dependencies are pretty compelling. First, they affect three things principally, dependencies, when are out of control, impact your predictability, I think about the predictability, the state of knowing when something’s going to happen, right? In the presence of a large number of dependencies, pretty much predictability is gone, right? Because I can show you the math behind it.

But for every dependency that we add to the problem, we cut in half the probability of completing what we said, when we said we could do it. And it really goes up by exponentially. So if you cut in half every time, so if I have six dependencies, I have a one out of 64 chance of getting it done. So predictability at that level is really, really poor. So what’s the benefit company to having better predictability? What’s the value to you of actually being able to deliver when you said you could? The commitments that you make, and you meet with your customers, so one of the large costs, one of the biggest impacts is predictability. The second is cycle time.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 37:24

I was going to say, yeah.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 37:27

Constantly getting blocked, right? Then it my analogy is click the click on the stopwatch, to start working on it, click, when you finish working on it, click. That click the click is going to be pretty long time, if you’re getting blocked, I mean, most people who do value stream maps inside their company to look at a particular process, every time I do them, 90% of the time the work is sitting idle, because it’s blocked by some dependency.

I mean, what kind of improvement could you get? If you could squeeze waste out of the 90% number, you think the value is in having your Scrum teams be tenure, let’s make our Scrum teams 10% more efficient to doing Scrum. They’re idle 90% of the time, they spend 10% of their time doing Scrum, which means you squeeze a 10% improvement out of the 10% of the time you move the needle 1%.

If I could figure out how to address the idle time, usually through dependencies in managing whip better than I could 10% improvement there gives me a 9% return on investment immediately. We’re watching the wrong thing. And then lastly, pressurization. Oftentimes, the existence of dependencies forces us to work in an order that is not optimal for us. I want to do a B, C, then D, but I can’t because there’s some dependencies that are messing up that ordering. So now I have to do B, A C, D and that’s worth 1/10 the value if I do it in that order, that’s unfortunate. Do ABCD, I can’t, the dependencies are going to block me if I try. Combine all that together and you realize your life cycle profits are taking a big hit. So if you’re a senior executive, you ought to be staying up late at night worrying about your dependency problems.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 39:14

Yeah, no. And like, what I also think is people don’t realize is that dependencies create rework most of the time. And a lot of times because of the rework, it’s a lot more costly to go back and do things. And I think if you just look at the dependencies in it, if you look at the deployment pipeline, and how much just within that many companies, how many dependencies there are where the work, stays.

I dial and many companies, I don’t know what your experience has been, but nobody has any clue where those are, if you again, just had an idea, where those bottlenecks are windows with things standstill, you will be able to address them. But it’s almost like we talk about MBA and we talk about even in IT, but nobody has that really knowledge of that holistic view of what’s going on and addressing really the underlying issues. It’s almost like, at least in my experience, it’s very reactive from a leadership from people that are, in my opinion, accountable for addressing those dependencies.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 40:29

Yeah, and I agree with that because they haven’t modeled them, right? My approach to doing this is, I work with companies, I do dependency class. And almost always after that, I get called by companies, oh, hey, could you do a workshop, facilitate a workshop to help us do what you talked about in the class? And then the doing part is rather straightforward. It’s like, let’s create a model. I mean, just imagine boxes in lines that says here’s our team, here’s the UX team, and there’s a line that connects the two that says, I got a structural dependency on that, right? But well, stop there.

Then you fill it out with data, right? You collect information, like, well, how often do I make requests across that link? Do I go to a UX team once in a while, once a year, every day, right? How often am I doing that? And what is the cost of delay if they blocked me? If for some reason I make a request, and they don’t fulfill it, right? How likely am I to get blocked? So imagine you’re collecting all this in a big old spreadsheet and then you start to analyze that. And you can start to say, now I understand the picture. And then we look at some of those dependencies and go not worth my effort. We’re not worth doing anything about it, right?

Because if there are structural dependencies, very often you require structural changes to fix them. And hence my point earlier, but if you don’t have people up here committed, it’s not going to work. Because you’re going to get to a point like, well, we’re going to have to restructure these teams, chances are the people on the teams can’t make that decision on their own, kind of go up here. And if you hit that ceiling, then you’re not going to be successful, because you’re going to be stuck in the structural situation you’re at.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 42:11

Yeah, but I don’t know, you have a lot more expensive than I do but what I’m seeing is lack of that awareness at that level. So I don’t know if it’s like COO or somebody who’s responsible for that organizational architecture, understanding these dependencies and then helping others understand it. I just don’t see it in organizations, I don’t see the maturity of leadership to understand and look for those things. Do you see that? Maybe on maturity or maybe on the curve? What percentage would you say, of companies actually have leaders that understand it? Because if the tendencies and everything that we’ve been talking about here, is at the core of issues of impeding agility and then if we have like, 5% of people in companies actually understanding this, then that’s an impediment to the agility. Or how do you see it?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 43:15

I’ll say the way it’s coming to my mind right now. They’re praying at the myth, the praying at the altar of the dependency myths. They believe certain myths about dependencies are true. And therefore they believe that it is a manageable problem, because the believes these myths are true. And the problem is they’re myths, and they’re not true.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 43:40

Or assumptions. I saw you talked about assumptions, is that assumption and what type of assumption would that be?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 43:48

Well, I’ll give you some examples of the assumptions, these myths that they’re like, oh, one size problem, one size solution will fit all types of dependency problems. If I just have a program board up on the wall to show my dependencies and path read string that connects cards, it’ll work for a small number of dependencies, it’ll work for a large number. No, it almost certainly worked for a small number dependencies. Anybody who’s ever done that, with a large number of red pieces of yarn up there knows it doesn’t work. Alright, so that’s one myth. Another myth would be if we could just figure out what all the dependencies are that mostly solves the problem.

Wrong, it doesn’t at all, the problem isn’t our inability to identify the dependencies. I mean, look, I know I have a dependency on the UX team. So I got this magic. So I didn’t know that I knew that. The problem is this, in the presence of a large number of dependencies wins in the organization, it’s the asynchronicity that kills you. It’s the when. I know that the UX team has to do this work. What I don’t know is when they’re going to do it and I don’t control the when, because it’s a shared dependency, so they think you identify them, then you’re good won’t work, or that, oh, you know what, this is just a problem with project management.

If we just hired better project managers and more project management process and had better tool support, we could totally get on top of this dependency problem sorted out. That’s got to be one of the king of the myths. Yeah, I know that’s not a problem. This is not a failure of project management. At large scale, this falls under the category of don’t do that, right? You’re not going to fix it with more project managers. So it’s these kinds of myths, there’s at least nine that I identify and talk about. And the problem is some of them are really damaging, like centralized demand management, oh, my goodness, the killer in most large companies that I visit. Oh, we’re going to do this, it works brilliantly.

I had a call two weeks ago with the companies, they start describing their problem, they’re like two minutes, I go centralized management. Like, what’s that? I go, let me explain what you’re going to tell me next. And you tell me if this is accurate. And I just grabbed, that’s pretty much it. So what should we do, I go stop doing that. We will have you on this call, because we want you to help us figure out to make it work. I go, I can’t, because it won’t work, right? How do you know that?

Give me a reference, show me papers and say, okay, I don’t have any papers at all but I have this time in the trenches with a lot of big companies that tried to do exactly what you’re doing. And I can tell you the 15 reasons, it won’t work. And you can tell me whether or not you think those are going to be problems for you. At the end of the day, yeah, we have a problem knowing what you do. Because we believe this myth that this will solve your problem and it won’t. To me, that’s what’s going on at the executive level like, this is a manageable problem people, just look, if you can’t do the job, right, I’ll hire people who can.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 46:46

And it goes back maybe to, it’s a leadership into mindset. And maybe we have about 10 more minutes left, I do want to get one more thing in here, which is related to what we’ve been talking about so far, which is not all cross functional teams are created equal. And you talked about how it’s important to have cross functional teams that are composed of T shaped individuals, essentially minimize those dependencies by having people that can get stuff done and not rely on UX department to finish work. Could you maybe elaborate on that topic a little bit, and why is it important? I call it almost like, maturity, one team and maturity two team.

Like we have cross functional team with bunch of specialists. Like developers and testers. I joke around, maybe it was seven, eight years ago, when developer told me that testing is below the paygrade. They want to test because they were senior developers much better to start item for next sprint that actually helped the team test to get the stuff done. And maybe is that’s a bunch of people that are silos and special cross functional team versus actually having people that help each other, developing those T shaped skills and develop the other skills that can help their teams deliver.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 48:14

Yeah to me, this is a very important topic. And it’s one of the seven strategies for addressing structural dependencies. Let’s make sure everybody’s clear on the terms, right? Because 20 cross functionality is a concept that you’d apply at an ecosystem and at a team level. And I want to put an adjective in front of it, completely cross functional is my goal. So the idea is, if a team is completely cross functional, it has all the skills on the team into achieve that team’s definition of done, whatever that might happen to be, they can get it done. So if I need UX designs to happen, then [inaudible 48:51] it, I got a UX design person on my team, otherwise, we would not be cross functionally complete. And I’d have to be carrying my posting notes, that happened. So that in an ecosystem level, I want the same thing.

So if I bring all these people from across the organization together into one ecosystem, that ecosystem should be completely cross functional in its abilities. You typically do not apply the term completely cross functional to an individual. Some people try Oh, they’re a full stack engineer. And the idea was, well, they’re supposed to be able to do work at any different layer at their tech stack, and they might, don’t get me wrong but do they also do the legal work and the design work?

So they’re not completely cross functional. They may be teaching, right? Teaching it on the other hand, typically applies to the individual, not to the ecosystem or the team, although you hear people use it at an ecosystem or team level, an ecosystem that would mean, our ecosystem can do more than one type of work. At a team level could be, our team can work on product A or product B, right? That might be how you hear people using T shaping at the team level.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 50:02

So essentially, T shaped doesn’t really address the tendencies when you say you have cross functional teams, that you started addressing the tenants, because you’re saying you need to have everything plus when you add the T shaped individual layer to it, it gives you more options to minimize those dependencies.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 50:21

So it makes you more resilient. So for a reason, T shape just means vertically deepen some area, and can work outside their area, but wouldn’t be as deep, so their broad. The benefits of having individuals on your team that are T shaped, you actually do get a dependency benefit. But it reduces the structural dependencies that would happen inside, right? So think about it, let me start with the instantiated dependencies, there’s only one person on our team that does testing. So all the testing work has to go to that individual, there is a dependency within our team on that individual.

And if we T shaped our people, so that more than one person could do that, I no longer have that unique dependency on that one individual, a bunch of people can do it. And the second big benefit I get is resiliency. If only one person can do it, what happens if she goes out a sec? I guess it doesn’t get done. And we don’t meet our sprint goal. So teams that have people that are comprised of T shaped skills are more resilient, when things go wrong, and can better deal with the variability of the work that is presented to the team from sprint to sprint.

The sprint we’ve got a little bit more database work in the stories in the next sprint, we’re going to have a little bit more UI work, but that’s okay. Because people are T shaped and they can swarm to where the work is. So I get that kind of benefits, right by doing it. So whenever possible, what I’m looking for is completely cross functional ecosystems and teams, and somewhat T shaped people. I don’t want them to be completely T shaped because then people are going to freak out and go, oh, you’d not be able to do every task. I’m like, I did not say that. I did not need that. I’m just saying wouldn’t it be nice if they could do more than one thing but do a few things.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 52:17

Yeah, I think, really important point. And also not forcing people to do something that they don’t want to develop, right? Like, in a sense, if somebody doesn’t want to test, then it’s waste of everybody’s time to get people. And that’s a lot of times, it might go back to the mindset where somebody just has that belief or that assumption, they don’t want to develop certain skill. So I think that’s where you have to have a discussion as a team, where are gaps and what are we going to do? If we only have one tester, and nobody wants to test, what options do we have? How are we going to deal with this as a team?

Speaker: Ken Rubin 52:57

Right. Developing the skills is really a team focus.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 53:02

What would you like to leave us as it’s been almost an hour? What parting message would you like to leave us with here? Anything that I didn’t maybe ask you or anything that you usually maybe tell people.

Speaker: Ken Rubin 53:23

I actually think you hit on the topics that to me are the most important today. To me, it’s all about structuring for flow at scale. Now, my focus on dependencies, just because it’s like the killer problem that’s preventing that, but that dependencies aren’t my goal. So action for flow at scale is my goal. I’m just trying to figure out what in the world is getting in my way, that’s making it difficult for pretty much every company I visit? So if you want to be successful, and I’ll define what I mean, meet your targeted business outcomes. So if your company’s got like OKRs, than aligning with us, then you better figure out what’s getting in the way of you achieving those goals. And if you’re trying to do it at scale, my guess is, its dependencies and too much whipping your system or the things getting in your way. So go focus on those.

John Miller: POs, Jobs to be Done, Agile in Education | Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #59

John Miller


Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:36

Who is John Miller? How would you describe yourself?

Speaker: John Miller 00:40

How would I myself, too curious, always willing to try something different to make things better. get a kick out of seeing people and prove in some way, it’s always a serotonin kick or dopamine, whatever that is. So yeah, curious, always I critique everything. So part of the curiosity is I also critique everything, including myself. I’m a scrum trainer as well but I critique scrum all the time, like yeah, Scrum. Great here, but some issues over there. But I’ll critique everything. So curious, also look at everything from every angle and find the weakness, but that’s also I think part of the next step of improving something is finding the areas to improve in, so yeah.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 01:32

Nice. And that made me think of like, you’ve redesigned your CSPO class recently. And I think it said, you were kind of you had, you were happy but not happy with it and you went through this whole process of kind of taking apart and then initial response as you were kind of iterating through it, could you maybe discuss that whole process? Why did you decide to redesign your CSPO class? What did you learn from that experience? Because that goes into that kind of question, not question everything but look always look for ways to improve and look for this type of thing, could you share that?

Speaker: John Miller 02:13

I’m laughing because this is an unexpected question and very funny. But yeah, so I have this certified Scrum Product at our class and I did really well with it, people liked it, I was getting good feedback. And I just saw some big problems out there. And I thought, maybe I’m reinforcing some of these problems that I see. And some of my product underclass and whatever you might want to call it, feature factories, whatever it might be. And I started to think about, well, what’s the root cause of those things? And it all went back to me of just not understanding real needs of real users and understand the real problem and allow at least mine and I see other product or classes, they kind of started the vision and they go from there, but it’s too late at that point, you’ve got a solution, once you got a vision, put everything else in your mind. So that’s probably the wrong place to start.

It’s premature, so I just said I’m going to redo it, and really rethink it and try to make and it try to fix this issue that I see out there of a lot of waste, resolving the wrong problem sometimes by just getting this kind of velocity focus that we hear about, which is a big problem. I think you need some velocity, I’m not knocking on it, but it’s about me, I’d rather have no velocity if we’re solving the wrong problem, right? That’s just wasting money and time. So when back we did it, did a lot of things around jobs to be done, I found that for me, the framework for me from Tony Holick job to be done gets kind of right to the heart of trying to understand the problem and the needs very clearly. So I redesigned it, did it and my class sucked. I’m teaching some things and suddenly a little bit because some of these I haven’t done before but I knew it was the right thing. So I knew that this is the right problem to solve. I think this is a good solution than say the solution but a good solution.

So I kept that but I put a lot of my identity and pride into my teaching and my coaching and when I’m not doing well, I get depressed. So I had the spiral of depression like I’m terrible and it wasn’t awful. I’m pretty awful eyes in a bit. I mean, I got some good feedback, but wasn’t nowhere near as my other classes and if I just kept at it, and it probably took me , many iterations and I said, you know what? I’m going to do is product in our classes. It’s [inaudible 4:44] if it’s painful, do it more often. So I said, you know what? I’m going to keep doing them and doing them until I figure it out. But now it’s actually one of my best classes better than I think any class I’ve ever done. Really proud of it, opens up a lot of eyes, a lot of people do not expect to be going that far into the problem space. And I keep them all, pretty much all day one is you need to know your problem.

If you don’t know that, the rest, you can write the best user stories in the world, but they’re just ghost stories. Those are problems that you’re trying to solve. But yeah, every time I iterated, trying to find something better, some of it was just, the content was good. It was the right content was the teaching, and how do you make it understandable? So I just went back and kind of went back to basics of, okay, just pure fun foundational basics of teaching as well, I need to show an example. A good teaching practice I find from education, the education world is, I do, you do, we do. And so we saw this stuff as complicated, it was very not complicated but they’re not used to it. It’s not a habit for a lot of people, writing user stories, not really getting into that problem space. So I kind of remodeled it from the I do, like, I’m going to show you an example how I would go through, you went together, kind of in that way can give you feedback as we’re doing it, and then you go off and do your own thing.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 06:08

Yeah, a couple of things are going through my head. So when I prep little bit, that has been a lot of time, maybe half an hour. So I was reading through tweets. And one of the things that stood out is deliberately get uncomfortable. And this reminds me of that to deliberately get uncomfortable, because I can relate to getting comfortable with like, hey, its great class, nothing needs to change, but to actually redesign a class and then try to deliver that successfully is painful. Like you said, it’s up and downs. But the reward is worth it through that process. And why is it so hard for a lot of people to get uncomfortable? And is it just the human nature? What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker: John Miller 07:02

We don’t like it. I don’t know the answer to it. I just know growth comes from it. And every time, maybe sitting there one time thinking, how do I grow? How to get better? And I kept thinking anytime I had adversity, I grew. And when I didn’t like it, I wish I wasn’t in it. But at the end of it, I look back and I’m like wow, I’m stronger and better and whatever it might be, right? Work through land securities, whatever that was. And I just went one day and say so why don’t I just create my own adversities? Look how lucky and modern age for many of us, I don’t say everyone, I don’t want to mean that, maybe from a place of privilege, but a lot of us have a lot of our basic needs taken care of. So the idea of this big adversity, sometimes you get to manufacture it, right? To get it. And so I had to start, if I really want to grow, I kind of have to create my own adversity. Sorry, my own adversities. But why is it? I don’t know. It’s so hard, but it’s just painful.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 08:06

It is painful but I know personally, it’s painful. But I know it’s a good process. I used to build websites and design websites. And back in the day in late 1980s, early 2000s, computers would crash and you would lose all of the work but always knew even though it was painful, to redo everything from scratch, it was always better than where I had it. So, I was just interested to hear your thoughts on that.

Speaker: John Miller 08:38

Yeah, even this morning, we were talking about fitness before the podcast. But even wake up like I’m achy, I’m older, I’m 46 and I just started judo last week, and that’s really making me sore. I’m not good at it. I’m getting thrown around all the time. But I’m really sore and achy, like God, like, if I was in my 25’s I wouldn’t feel like that. But I woke up this morning saying I’m going to go lift weights, it’s painful but I’ll feel better when I’m done, and then there’s a pool. And it’s 60 degrees Fahrenheit right now in the pool, and I’m going to jump in the pool. And that’s cold for me anyway, it’s cold. I’m going to jump in and just knowing by jumping in, like just the mental act of doing something uncomfortable. I know, like, what’s the worst is going to happen today? If you face kind of painful things in the morning and stuff, so yeah, I think you need to face those things head on.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 09:36

Yeah, I don’t know, you said, it’s stuff we all know probably what’s a good thing but to come back to jobs to be done and you talked about understanding customer and problems that people face rather than just focusing on features. What stood out? How did you get introduced to jobs to be done? Because you and I have talked about it and you’ve kind of shown me a couple of things that I didn’t know. But I’m curious to know. And the framework itself and the idea has been around but I’m interested, how did you get introduced to it? What do you see?

Speaker: John Miller 10:14

[inaudible 10:14] introduced to it, just one of the things that kept showing up and then one day just get really curious more about it. Actually, no one I heard a lot about it in strategizer, they talked about, what’s the job? Would they have their camp there, value proposition canvas and they talked about customer jobs. So I probably maybe started there. But then I start to get really curious, it’s still wasn’t concrete enough for me like that value proposition canvas. I think it’s useful, but it didn’t go deep enough for me about understanding it. And not even after reading the books, so I just start researching different, it’s like agile in some ways, in some ways, is that there’s different flavors of it, like you have different camps. Just like someone will say, Kanban is this and scrums that.

You actually have this kind of divide and jobs to be done as well, like these different authors and they have their own viewpoints on but I gravitated a lot to was a Clayton Christensen’s book, he talked a lot about jobs done, I think, can’t remember the book name. But the book that really helped me or the resource that really helped me the most and what I find more useful for my style was Anthony Holics, jobs can be done, which he originally called outcome driven innovation. And he gets very practical about it, where I see a lot of these others are very aspirational. Just isn’t my thing in some ways. It’s a like, so you get a salt, like your product’s a salt, well, what’s the job? Well, I want to cut wood, right? Just that simple. It’s like to be able to cut wood. And he breaks things. It’s a very complicated, he’s got lots of stuff. But simplifying it, he breaks down jobs into what’s the basic situation they’re in when they’re trying to cut wood, or constraints? For example, say you’re a diabetic.

And the constraint might be well, I want to give myself an insulin injection but my hand shake, right? So the constraint there, the situation would be my hand shaking. So how do I get that job done, the insulin shot? And then he chops it up into three areas, which I find really useful, which is the functional job, which is cut the wood, get my insulin shot, then he has emotional jobs. How do I want to feel? How do I want to, what’s the experience for me that I like to have personally in a social job? He describes it as, how do you want others to perceive you? I add on to that a little bit, because I feel it’s a little too shallow, maybe. How do you want to be perceived? And also how do you want to relate to others? And it sounds silly, there’s some things like a tool, I think it was our social job for everything. I’m not sure but at some point even had this in my class, I said, I’m not sure about if you had a toolset if there was a social job, and someone said, no, actually, yeah, there is. If you’re really into tools, you want to show off your tool, you might have say hey, it’s brand and kind of show like, yeah, so, there’s always an opportunity to least ask if there’s a social job.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 13:27

It’s almost like a lens or perspective you can take that we have to but when you talk to students about the problem space in the solution space, and you said earlier a lot of times and I used to and I’ve been since I spoke with you with kind of like you said, switch to like, let’s look at the problem space first, before we look at the solution space. What are the things that you’re learning as you’re teaching around? People’s responses to the idea that there’s less problem space, and then their solution space and not jumping too soon into the solution space?

Speaker: John Miller 14:06

Yeah, that premature convergence to that solution spaces is, so what are they learning? As I’m teaching, whatever, they’re learning their insights. I think it’s just a whole new world for a lot of people. I won’t say everyone, some people know that. All the people, especially in the Agile Scrum space, they’re just used to being hey, here’s solution towards someone told us to build. And even sometimes, here are the features that stakeholders want. And I find getting them that stakeholders’ inputs important. And usually I say stakeholders, I’m talking about internal stakeholders, different executives, or other people in the company, as well, their job isn’t to be the expert to the customer, yours is and I think that’s a big shift for a lot of people, very simple obvious thing for many people, I think, for some people, but to shift that you know what? No, I’m as a product owner, I’m supposed to figure out the customer and lead the organization to let them know, what are their needs? And also get some stakeholder input. I’m not saying they don’t have input or information that’s valuable but the product owner is going to triangulate those things and figure out, what is the real problem to solve? So I find that’s a big eye opener for a lot of people just that, oh, you don’t have to just take orders from stakeholders, they’re not the boss of the product. And often, they don’t really know what the customer needs in many cases.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 15:29

Yeah, and that reminds me something else that you’ve talked about. And I see which is like in a lot of companies will still have like product managers and product owners. Product Manager focus on strategy, product owners and tactics. So when you teach and when you talk about the problem space, a lot of times people that are putting these product owner roles don’t really have the authority or the problem space is not part of their job, right? What is your thought on relating it back to the jobs to be done and what we’ve been talking about, and this idea of having product managers and product owners and that divide or misunderstanding organizations, when it comes to those roles?

Speaker: John Miller 16:13

Yeah, that’s where I put my unicorn in my class and say, talking about unicorn ideal land. And I get that, right? And I say this is what I find. The best teams are able to pull off when you’re empowered fully, what I call the full range of product ownership is that double diamond of the problem space and the solution space. And you should be able to occupy that whole thing. And I do think, lower the forms of waste, building the wrong thing is upstream, it’s not downstream. So I think they get the wise but you’re right, while they’re like, yeah, but my boss still tells me exactly what to do. And I always acknowledge that. Yeah I get that, right? You shouldn’t get fired from doing this class. But can you start having these conversations, though? Can you start working your way upstream a little bit more? Can you start bringing some of these models and ways of thinking?

So if they say, hey, the customer needs XYZ, this feature, and I might say, oh, great, write that one down, put whatever user story, whatever you want to use, but simply then ask the question, oh, what outcome is that going to provide for the customer? So you start changing the conversation. And maybe they don’t know, maybe then okay, great, let’s figure that out together. So now you start to work, even though you might not be empowered to have the authority, you can start having those conversations, right? To help other people to see that maybe they need to figure that out. Or maybe you can help guide them and helping to figure that out.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 17:48

I mean, the issue that I see a lot of people, it’s all great job but I still have to do my job. So me understanding that is great. And I see that in a lot organizations and through coaching too. And it’s tough, because now you get more people to see what it takes. And even the deal of product manager is kind of still sticking with the old structures. And that’s why we have and product owners are just proxies. Maybe to tie to this, and I don’t know, in a sense, I see the product manager, product owner, just a leftover of waterfall that trying to do Agile and just people confused. But something that’s related to this that caught my attention. I thought maybe something that in a sense, I’ve done to you said, I use agile as a Trojan horse to make organization more sane. And could you maybe elaborate on that? What did you mean by that?

Speaker: John Miller 18:59

Yeah. So my [inaudible 19:03] was many years ago. And I was coaching at an organization that many people know, one of my first big coaching gigs and we’re making headway which we tend to get in the beginning. It was William Bridges once said, uninformed optimism always gets away to inform pessimism. And we’re getting through there, people are getting teams going great. Then things start to, whatever the stress happens, and then the management goes back to the old way. So I’m bummed out because I tend to get depressed if I feel like I’m failing and beat myself up. And Michelle Slager. She’s a CST and someone who I really looked up to a lot. She was there with me and she just pulled me aside. As young load coach outside and said, hey, John, hope is okay for me to quote Michelle here, but she has something like, hey John, just realized only about 10% of these companies will actually do it.

Just the way it is, right? This one, being uncomfortable is hard as you said earlier, change is hard, all this thing. So just realize it’s just the way it’s going to be. And I said, okay, got it, maybe feel a little bit better. But then there’s still something I can do. And its kind of always stayed in my head, but I can’t just give up. And she’s not saying to give up. But it’s still something you do for the other 90% and dawned on me as I helped other organizations and it helps. And sometimes not the agile. Someone was an agile purist, they came in and said, well, yeah, no, they’re not. But then I might help, somehow make it better and rich, usually I do in some way. And I realized, I can help organizations become more sane. So I’d have this basic mental model, sanity before agility. One, sanity is a prerequisite to agility anyway. And first, you got to get sanity in place, number one. And if you just get that that’s a huge benefit, even if they don’t get the Agile part of that which is the adaptiveness, being able to flow with the environment but can we just make work more sane for people? So I’d make that my core focus first, maybe using some of the Agile language to get in.

But again, you got to get foundations and I have no right or wrong. But four attributes, I think of sanity, but by focus, and I find if you have this four, it makes scrum possible, agile possible camp, whatever that you’re doing. And sometimes you don’t need the other things. One is just focus. And we all know, multitasking and doing too many projects don’t seem fun. Can we just focus and that’s usually a personal thing that people have influence over? So even if you have to, like you know what? I have 10 projects and I can’t control it all. See, you’re doing Scrum, could you do two sprints just on that one project and avoid the multitasking at least? So there’s something you can do to minimize the amount of distractions and multitasking, and in within almost everyone’s power to some degree.

The other one would be the ability to break things into small increments, small pieces, right? So you get things done faster, quality and if you have to multitask, switch to another project, you’re done, right? You don’t have to do the back and forth. And those two things are both I think within everyone’s influence to some degree. But then there’s the other two. I think some people would disagree with me out there and that’s fine, is if I can get all the skills needed on a team to eliminate the dependencies and the waiting time and the drama, every time something changes, you have to go back to the other personnel but they’re working on something else. So I got to get all the skills I need in order to get whatever is done, cross functional team, as we say in Scrum. Sorry, I don’t know if you can hear it. But apparently landscapers.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 22:53

No. I mean, it’s not breaking, maybe a little bit.

Speaker: John Miller 22:58

And then obviously, I’m a big believer, at least with organizations that don’t have this competency yet of having them dedicated stable as possible. So I find if you have those four things as bottom two though, those last two are more organizational things like a person can directly influence that usually, that will take some leadership or management buy in. But I find if you start with the two then add those other two, you get like 80% of the benefits, I think in any agile framework from those four things.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 23:32

No, the reason I asked him to tie it back to this discussion that we’ve had is, a lot of times when I’m teaching, like you said, you see what’s going on in organizations, in many instances it’s been there you know what needs to happen generally. So some of the things and it’s easy to get demotivated as a trainer, it’s easy to get the press sometimes as a trainer, because you see how much people struggle and a lot of times, there’s lack of that sanity or awareness or whatever you want to call it and I think it’s a good reminder. And what I liked about the Trojan horse is that baby steps or in some ways people need to get that sanity. And sometimes it’s easier to say you have to get here from there.

But it takes time and going back to Michelle in a sense, like if such a small percent of organizations surely make that ship or understand it, it takes time. I don’t know who said it, but I was interviewing and it’s like a lot of these organizations’ survival is not guaranteed. So the more competition, the more so, to switch gears a little bit. I did want to and I was going to ask you first and I’m sure you get a lot of questions around agile education. But I want to ask you, what is the current state? You spent a lot of years and you still involved agile education. How would you describe the progression in agility in all Agile education?

Speaker: John Miller 25:21

Yeah, it has progressed quite a bit. I was just talking to someone today, Jennifer Manley, who does a lot of training and coaching, agile education. And I was like, no, it’s interesting when I started, there’s nothing, we’re just like hey, this might be interesting to try and see if we can apply and what would happen. But now it’s becoming a thing. It has a name, people know, agile education. And there’s people all over the world that are trying this thing, they’ll contact me and say, hey, we’re doing this. And so one is, I wouldn’t say it’s widespread or any kind of mass, nowhere near any kind of getting to mass adoption. No, but it is spreading. And people recognize it. And they see it as an answer to some problems in education. So, but I started in maybe 2010, 2011 as knights, we tried it with a classroom, a fourth-grade classroom, and we had no clue what we’re doing. So now people have to have a clue, which is funny.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 26:27

Why do you think the adoption is as much as it has? It makes sense the way that and what I also like, you recently talked about at least I was aware of it, how you design the class, or you give level of authority, or you know what I’m talking about based on the maturity. And I thought that was great too, because it’s kind of what we have in organizations to giving the amount of maturity or whatever you want to call it, you kind of have more autonomy. Could you maybe talk about that first? And then maybe just elaborate on, what would for or what are the impediments to more organization’s schools adopting some of these Agile values and principles?

Speaker: John Miller 27:14

I’ll start with the spectrum. We call the spectrum of collaboration and a spectrum of choice. So I’m like, maybe it’s like a little bit like work companies. But if you’re doing Scrum or some other agile thing with a team, there are dots, they’re professionals, at least most of them are and you go and you say be self-organizing, and many of them can pull that off. Not always, not always, but many pull that off. These are dots that have executive functioning, they know how to drive a car and act responsibly and all those things. But if you do this with a kid, self-organize, it might work. Mostly it has, I’ve seen it work kind of instantly with some teams but some others, these kids are not ready for it, the teacher isn’t ready for it and just goes into chaos, right? And it’s not a very good selling point for teachers to try this out, like, hey, let’s try a little chaos in your classroom. And again, it’s just because they’re not quite ready for it. Their brains are still developing in many ways, their executive functioning. Same with the teachers, they are not used to learning, how to have an environment to allow that to happen. And sometimes they’re under some very tight constraints around curriculum and in eastern United States state standards and state testing that they have to comply to.

And so working with teachers, where we first tried it and we just bought a little bit of Scrum, a little bit of Kanban and we realize, okay, some of that work but some of it wasn’t right fit. So we started to play around, and as it started to spread in the classrooms I was working with, after one classroom did, others start to pick it up, I just would go in, they would ask me to help out or coach and I’d pair it with the teacher who really knew education. And I just noticed I just wrote down patterns. I was like, oh, there’s one class, as you said I actually caught myself saying it, you’re doing it wrong. I didn’t say that loud but you’re not doing it the way you taught it. And I was like, no, hey man, maybe there’s something for me to learn. And I just noticed, they’re doing the structures and the visibility, but they didn’t bring in the empowerment part of it. But that’s what they needed at that time. So I just started, I just made a really quick mental model of what I was noticing.

And I noticed there was these four categories that kind of categorize classrooms and it was based off these two things, which was collaboration and choice. And I was just like we do a management, we make a two-by-two matrix and voila, you have a framework. And that’s my agile classrooms framework is a two by two of going up in collaboration. And I realized [inaudible 29:58] traditional classroom, low choice low collaboration, what’d you think of as sitting in rows, listening to the teacher. Some classes were doing individual agile, they would do passion projects, or just working their own capstone project.

I was like, no self-organizing team there , no teams but they’re doing the structure, the planning, the review, the retros, all that but it’s more of a personal level. It’s a personal agility, you might say, so it’d be low collaboration, high choice. Bottom of that would be high collaboration, low choice, which is a cooperative learning environment where kids are in the groups, the students are in groups, but they’re still doing what the teacher tells them to do. Here’s the assignment, here’s what you need to work on, but you support each other in doing it. And then the upper right-hand corner is what you think of Scrum or an Agile team, which is high collaboration, high choice, self-organizing, self-directing teams, self-managing teams. And so it popped up there then I got more granular.

So what does it mean to be along the spectrum? So I created and some others helped me refine this part of the Agile education group I’ve been working with. But these basic five steps under each one. And so the cool thing with it, is you can start wherever you are just like you said, it’s, you take these steps, you don’t just go all in and they take years. So the great thing with this is a little bit like, hey teacher, you want to try this out in a safe way? Well, first get the sanity part, I guess, in some ways, it’s a cute new structure. Here’s a rhythm and it’s inspired by Scrum, it’s not quite Scrum, because it’s not by the scrum guide.

But you’ll see a lot of Scrum in there of basic sprints, and a framework. And so try that, give it a rhythm, start modeling that and say, hey, here’s what we’re doing. We’re going to plan today. And this is what I’m thinking about doing, so you see, you start modeling that first, getting students to understand it. And then you put some structures, some visible, I call visible learning artifacts, like the boards or the big team agreements, whatever it might be, you start with that and then you start inching up, they started to learn the process and they’re like okay, now, this time, how about you figure out the how? I’ll tell you what we’re going to do.

But maybe for this part, you can come up some ideas about how and once they got that you can kind of work their way up and what we call scaffolding and education. And same thing for collaboration, maybe do it by yourself, let’s try it out with the team, with a small group. And then let’s really see what it means to have shared ownership where you’re not dividing and conquering the work, where you Miljan does this and John does that, which is a level three, the collaboration spectrum cooperative learning, what does it really look like to be a real collaborative self-organizing team, which is, it doesn’t really matter. As long as we get that work done, we’re all swarm on that together.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 32:50

It’s interesting, because I did maybe three, four years ago, CSM type of class for undergraduate University, and I ran it. It was really fun from an engagement standpoint, and the feedback and some of the things that I got, which reminded me of me being in school, which is, I mean, even coming from Europe, where education is different, the way that you learn, the way that you collaborate, but even in the United States, it’s not necessarily very collaborative. I hated college. I mean, in a sense, like, I don’t think everything, I paid mostly for the social experience of going and for, but when I saw how they interacted during the class were in a sense, these are maybe 17, 18-year old’s, how they self-organizing the responsibility, I told them, if you want to show up, show up, if you’re not like you’re part of a team, you guys have to figure things out.

And it was interesting how those 17, 18-year-old kids embraced this idea of ownership of collaboration, how engaged they were. And I’m like, this is such a foreign thing to most universities here. If I asked all of these people if they remember concept from this class, if they remember their experiences, if they remember and develop better relationships with people in the class ratably setting, they all said yes. And I was like, I wish I had classes like this in college, maybe I could have justified. So coming back to the question of why do you think there is not an explosion of using these methods and these ways to essentially collaborate, learn, in all ways?

Speaker: John Miller 34:58

Yeah. I think it’s a bit schools, I find are fractal of what we do in corporations. I mean, it’s very similar if you think we have a bigger societal thing that we all share. So one is just very similar things of the idea of what if let go of control? It’s very scary, right? Especially with and this is one reason, it’s not the reason, I think many educators would like to but there’s a lot of fear in them. There’s a lot of eyes on the educator, a teacher, especially in public schools for sure, I’m sure other privates as well. But definitely public schools where not only you have a bunch of kids, you don’t want to fail. Their lives are in your hands, their futures in your hands, that’s a big risk.

Two, get parents. Also, that might even say some will support but some might be like, aren’t you supposed to be teaching my kids how I learned, right? When I was in school. So you get your parents now that are…I find a lot of parents actually love it, what I’ve seen, they love it, because the kids go home and share it with their parents. But there’s that fear. And then you have administrators, principals, and all that do classroom observations, who might not get it, they’re like, hey, this isn’t quite what we’re expecting, maybe out of the classroom. So I think there’s a lot of fear, a lot of eyeballs on them, that makes any kind of risk trying to do something innovative or different, makes it really risky.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 36:25

So this made me think of jobs to be done in feature factories versus jobs to be done. And looking at the problem, right? The problem is to get students at least in university to be ready for work, right? And if you think about it, it’s just a bunch of like let’s give them a bunch of classes, create this program and have a diploma at the end. But when you look at it, the job to be done is really for students to be ready to work. And I don’t know, do you think maybe from that perspective?

Speaker: John Miller 37:02

Yeah, I actually have jobs to be done for agile classrooms work that I do. And it’s pretty much something like that, it’s really difficult to get your future ready, right? For 21st century ready for life and work. And I like the life part because there’s these real skills, how do I communicate with people? How do I connect? How do I set my own goals, right? My own personal and see it through. And I find that the students who do this actually apply it in their real life, but they get a sense of actually, remember, I’m going to go deviate a bit, but I remember working in one school and also underprivileged school and while these kids have a hard time economically and other things that are against them. But I just remember showing them a basic kind of Kanban board, scrum board. And said here, think about what you want to do that day in your life, you can see them all lean forward.

And I was like, wow, and what I realized just intuitively, it’s like, wow, they’re seeing there’s a tool here that they can control their life. And that’s really useful to them, like, wow, I can use this to have agency in my own life. So yeah, I do think that is a big job to be done. Is that sense of agency in your own life, and to able to make better choices and learn from those choices and the consequences. So yeah, I think that is the big job is in….and the great thing with Agile education, at least agile classrooms is as you’re going through the content in which again, teachers don’t have control over for many of them, it a state standard curriculum, some good, some maybe not useful.

But some of those might be realistic in real life, like really useful, some of them might not be but the skills of applying like you did in your undergrad classroom, those skills are always useful. So the cool thing with this, and I kind of get two birds with one stone is that, you still can use your basic learning content go through your curriculum, right? You still can do that. It’ll be your backlog in some ways. But by applying this, you don’t have to teach 21st century skills, which a lot of teachers like education approach as well. We’ll teach collaboration, we’ll teach critical thinking. And I think it’s the way to do it. I think what you have to do is use it all the time. And by doing this, they’re constantly wrapping the 21st century skills around any of the content they’re using today.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 39:25

Everything that they do. Yeah, everything.

Speaker: John Miller 39:27

Everything and the exact same thing, impact that you saw, I saw from third grade, fourth grade all the way up is those deepening relationships. I say it well, I say it deepens learning and it deepens relationships. And the connection they have and the idea of them supporting each other, instead of teasing each other in the classroom. It showed up even on the playground where they saw someone bullied like they would be like, hey, they hold accountability to each other like they will learn to speak up if somebody wasn’t honoring the right thing to do.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 40:01

Another interesting thing that just reminded me and we kind of go a little bit off, but like, how in college when we went like you would take your individual notes, and a lot of times I joke around, I did pay people to take notes for me for whatever reason. And I was in a class and like, recently, and this was like class for mostly students, not the class. And everybody’s taking notes in mural, like, on my mural, and I’m like, what’s going on here? People are making notes as I’m sharing ideas and talking. And I can like, what’s going on? And they’re like, we always we do this, like we share notes, we have one document where people add things to it. And that was interesting from that relationship standpoint to and collaboration, because now you had people collaborating and exchanging thoughts and adding to the conversation while I was talking. And there’s we are all collaborating through this because it triggered their comments, what they were doing. Have you experienced anything like that, that points to maybe a generational shift of how we learn and collaborate? What are some of the other things that you’ve seen that maybe people would not expect to see?

Speaker: John Miller 41:23

Yeah, it’s interesting, I just hear what you said about mural and just the share just got me thinking, like, oh, how can I maybe apply some of that? That’s interesting. I’m not sure about the generational thing, I don’t know, it’s hard for me to say, this generation is like this and that generations like that. I can steer a tight people. But what I find least with younger people in school is, they haven’t been conditioned yet like we have. And it’s actually easier, actually find if I get a fourth grade, I find like Elementary School is the easiest, to some point maybe, third grade, fourth grade, they’re the easiest ones to start this with. Because they just pop, they’re like, yeah, this just makes sense. That’s the way they play on the playground. They don’t wait for someone to tell them the rules.

And actually, they’ll make up the rules as they go and they’ll agree to it. There’s this natural social interaction that happens, they naturally create these self-organizing rules and they hold accountability to it. So I find it’s natural, especially if you see that state of play. Of course, there’s accidents and fights but they’re human, just like anyone. But what I find is they’re not conditioned yet that we have to do it this way. And I find being agile for a fourth-grade team is a lot easier than doing it in an adult team in many ways. They just go at it, they’re open, they’re vulnerable. The vulnerability is actually what astounds me, is where, I just want activity called my world map, and they’ll interview each other. So my daughter and her school, they’ll do like, tell me everything about you. And they’ll do a little thing, and they bring it in. And I always say, well, why not just talk to another kid? And figure out everything about them, you do a project, and then you’re learning empathy or learning listening. So I have this one activity called my world map where we just sit down, it’s like a little mind map, and a little visual mind maps and pictures. And I’ll say, hey, what are your strengths? What are you proud of? And I write that down. But I’m asking you questions, I’m learning and we bring it out, and I’ll share it out. Hey, here’s what I learned about Miljan.

But the cool thing is, when you get into, I’ll say weaknesses, but I say is where do I need support? Where am I needing support in? And what can my work or whatever. And I find it amazing, high school kids, just how vulnerable they are, like one kid, say I get really angry, and I don’t like it, I don’t like that I get angry, I try to control it. And when they did that, the team just was really…they went around them just start hugging them. Like, it’s crazy. So I think it’s in some ways, they’re just more open to these things. And when you give them the opportunity to do it, and treat them like real, like true humans that are really capable of these things is quite amazing how they rise really high up.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 44:18

Yeah, it is. And we’ve talked about in professional setting how important it is to do those things, because that’s what builds trust, that’s what builds great teams, Yeah. It’s either that conditioning or whatever it is that it makes a lot more difficult in a professional, I guess setting. We don’t have a lot of time and I’m thinking about questions that I still haven’t asked you but I do want to get your thoughts on one question that’s also a little bit off or in a different direction about Mike Beedle. Recently, somebody told me that you’ve been part of that initial group and I’ve been doing the series so like, I haven’t had a chance to ask you but what is your memory of Mike Beedle and how has he impacted your thinking and perspective on Agile and Scrum?

Speaker: John Miller 45:07

Yeah, Mike Beedle’s been impact on a lot of people for me as well. He’s the one who helped me become a scrum trainer. I think he helped his co trainees with them. And he really helped guide me along with some things, a lot of things. I think what I remember about Mike is, there’s a lot of egos out there. And if you haven’t noticed, a lot of people do this maybe in some in the Agile space, perhaps in the scrum committee made a few. And with Mike, even though he had this pedigree and so… I don’t know what you call it, but it was the Agile Manifesto, co-author and help break the first book on Scrum. I mean, he’s been around, he’s got a name.

He just never used it; it was never a thing. And he’d always champion you, at least would mean others I saw. He’s always saw what you’re great at, he tried to champion you and cheerlead you, and never seen him put anyone down. He was always optimistic about what you could do. And he would even throw it out like I’m a nobody, right? But he would just turn and John, he said this, and you just talk to others and he some way bring you into it to make it feel like you were, I don’t say special, but he knowledge you and I never saw him put anyone down. So that’s the thing I think I remember most about Mike, was just his optimism is, I think, really belief in people that they can do some really great things.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 46:42

What about Enterprise Scrum? I was involved a little bit when he started, involved in a sense of where, once involved in malware. But some of the stuff that he was thinking was, others have said this, he was ahead of his time. What are your thoughts as far as like Enterprise Scrum and how that kind of still sprinkled all over what we do, what’s being talked about today?

Speaker: John Miller 47:13

Yeah, I think what I liked about what he’s doing in Enterprise Scrum was very much mirrored what I was doing Agile classrooms is that you need to help people configure it for them. And they adapted to different environments. And so that’s one thing I really liked about it, it wasn’t like you must do the scrum guide by verbatim exactly how it says. It was really about context driven, like, what’s your context? What’s going to work for you and to get people to think through that not one framework is going to… one prescriptive framework is going to fix your problems? That you need to design your syllabi, but he gave you some tools to help you through that. So I do think though that it was still early on, and had to be polished or expressed a little bit more for people to really get to where it could maybe be spread a little bit further. But I think it was just very in the early phases of it, but I really loved his approach to it. That here are some ways of thinking that you can configure this and make it work for you.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 48:15

Yeah, and the reason I asked is like we live currently, and probably for the foreseeable future, meaning next five or six years in the land where these prescriptive frameworks are popular, companies are buying into this stuff. Yeah for a lot of us and going back to what Mike was saying, it’s in what you’re saying, it’s about contextualizing, it’s not about taking these recipes and trying to apply them, but actually contextualizing. So, when I look at the future, the future is the ideas in a sense of Enterprise Scrum and some of these ideas that you have to contextualize, you have to look at the context and what to apply in that context, what worked. So what is your perspective on the current state of agile, where we’re going, where it is? Maybe as the last question.

Speaker: John Miller 49:15

I don’t know. I guess the only thing I think it was, there was many states of agile, that’s all I can say. There’s many states of agile.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 49:22

Maybe let me ask you this way, what pisses you off about the current state of agile? What makes you excited or maybe optimistic about what…?

Speaker: John Miller 49:35

Well, I guess what pisses me off is when and I don’t think it’s right for everyone. So I don’t, I think hey, you got to find what’s right for you agile, maybe agile might not be. So I don’t push, I’m not like a pusher of Agile. But what pisses me off and when people say Oh, agile doesn’t work or it’s dead or you’ve seen all this stuff, and then you go ask the question, why isn’t it working and it’s because they’re not doing nowhere near anything that agile says. And then you hear the other rebuttal which I get where they’re coming from, that well, it sounds like if everyone’s using it wrong, it’s designed wrong, like, no, no. I see people doing the wrong thing in the gym all the time, lifting weights, bad for him, doesn’t mean a squat is design wrong, they’re just doing it wrong, and they’re going to damage themselves and they’re going to say, squat suck, working out is not good. Like, no, you need to learn how to do some of it with some integrity with some discipline. So I think that makes me, irritates me a bit, seeing the comments and when they say it with such confidence as well.

So yeah, that bothers me a lot. And at the same time, you need to be able to doubt things to your environment to, but it doesn’t mean you do it, you bastardize it. And I think it’s the way it is, that good things get more popular. People started, it becomes a buzzword as it is, people will start using it, the name of it, and you know how it is. Seeing complaints, I don’t have any pride of. And it’s just not at all with… Ron Jeffries calls it dark stronger, dark agile [inaudible 51:14] Get a hold of planning meeting and well doesn’t matter. If you have that agile [inaudible 51:22] you’re hanging up, it’s not going to be a good sprint planning meeting, it’s going to suck.

So that’s fine. I think with the popularity, that’s kind of just the natural state of things, I personally think what will happen is, it will some point, arc out, die out, something else will come up, but it’ll be the same thing, just with a different name. I think that’s always happening in some ways, it gets reincarnated. And because it’s the old words, it’s the old tools, have bad baggage, and they recreate the new thing. And it’s really the same thing and a new wine model kind of thing.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 51:58

So not a true paradigm shift, just maybe a shift. What about the positive stuff? What is motivating you?

Speaker: John Miller 52:10

I do think there’s innovation happening in the Agile space for the people that really get it. And the idea that you don’t need to be shackled to following every prescriptive rule and that people really do get the bigger principles or the paradigm that’s behind it, and that they will take it and try some things and do some new things. And so I do think that is happening out there to. You don’t hear a lot of those stories out there. But there’s people who are like, does it work and that it makes people happy happier and more productive or more engaged? Like, yeah, great and even though of the book somewhere, it’s not in a class. So I think a lot of those things are happening. And actually, I wish organizations that are out there that have money and resources like Scrum Alliance or whoever else that are out there. I’m sure they’re doing some things, I wish they would further the agile movement versus just say, here’s what it is and let’s just keep it going. I’d rather say, what is the new thing that’s out there? Do learn, what are the great things that are happening out there, bring it back and share it so we can evolve? Agile versus trying to institutionalize agile and keep it still.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 53:24

Exactly. Yeah, that is, and that could be a separate topic. What would you like to leave the listeners with like a tip message? What is one thing, maybe you want to share? Maybe what you do in class, I don’t know. Just the tip, maybe final talk.

Speaker: John Miller 53:47

I’ll use the frozen tool mantra, which is just do the next smallest right thing. That’s it. Just add the smallest part of it there. So that’s it. It’s like what you talked about? How do you get to an ideal version? Well, it’s based on where you are, what’s the next right thing and what’s the smallest thing I can do to move forward and learn if it’s the right thing? And that’s it. I think it’s all you can do in life and work.

Jon Jorgensen: Remembering Mike Beedle ​| Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #58

Jon Jorgensen

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 00:22

I’m going to call this a Mike Beedle quote, agilize everything.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:33

How did you meet Mike?

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 00:36

Yeah. So Mike was just starting to tell the world about his enterprise scrum framework and looking for people that want to learn it and train it. And I was on a coaching engagement with Harold Shin Sato. And I remember just turning to him and saying, Harold, let’s talk to Mike, let’s, let’s support him on this. And so I think I just answered or posted something in LinkedIn, or Facebook, I forget which, but we set up a phone call the next day and we started talking in easily, we went over an hour. And I had agreed, like, I’m going to fly out to Chicago and I’m going to take your first course and your second course. They are offered in the last week of January. And it’s really funny because there were other people just kind of in my circle that wanted to go, but couldn’t be there for the very first one. And so they’re like, tell me who’s there. Who shows up for the first class? And I went way early, it was this beautiful hotel downtown. And I remember sticking my head in the room and thinking like I’ll help him set up and stuff, be useful. He’s a great guy and nobody was in there, I’m like, oh my gosh, it must be the wrong hotel, go and check the room, is it the right room? And I’m thinking how is this actually going to happen? Anyway, people started to trickle in. And Michael Herman was one of them. And so we started talking about open space and then more people came in, I found out like, you know what? He had gifted this class to other people, maybe some of them were in transition between jobs, I’m like, oh my gosh, I paid full freight for both classes but with the intention of eventually training it and I started to realize there are a lot of people that Mike Beedle cares about and wants to make a difference through in the world. And so anyway he came before it’s time to begin, and kind of a big entrance, he’s bigger than life. And he commands a presence. And I remember him asking me, John, you’re all into open space, I was part of the open space agility community at the time. Do you want to open space in the class? I’m like, oh my gosh, like Michael Herman’s sitting right there. He’s asking me, absolutely, I would never pass that up. And the rest of the class, it was an unfolding of that same kind of attitude and really personable connection that characterized our relationship all throughout. And so we had lunch together that first day, that was when we started talking one on one, mostly about community building and purpose. And I think I remember seeing, his children came by with his significant other and I could see, what a warm father he is to his children. And there were some other people at the table with us and just yeah, everything he would do and say would be so considerate. And I think it was in that moment at that lunch, thinking this is the kind of guy I want to be when I grow up. I mean, he’s up to something, something good and so inclusive. There were people in my class that I think that they were maybe restaurant tours or restaurant owners, operators and they’d seen that there are things that they could maybe use from scrum in their own organization, their own restaurant. And other people, maybe it’s just his infectious energy and optimism. Yeah.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:26

That is awesome. And I’ve already interviewed several people and that’s a reoccurring theme. In what ways has Mike impacted you? You said, you want to be like Mike when I grew up, what did you learn from him? What do you think when you look at yourself today, what are some of the things that you maybe credit to him?

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 05:58

Yeah. Well, the first thing and I’m going to call this a Mike Beedle quote, agilize everything. He said that and he really meant it, which is looking at the values of the Agile Manifesto and putting the relationships, the interaction, your way of being with other people in any aspect of your life, is the way of being with everyone in your life. And it’s the relationship between you that makes all the difference. And so putting that first at the front of my mind and being with people, really being with people and letting them know, through your way of being that they matter. And that was the biggest impact that Mike had on me, is after Mike was gone, Facebook, I used to hang out a lot on Facebook, I don’t anymore, but Facebook sometimes would give you this announcement, how many years you’ve been married or how many years you’ve known somebody or an anniversary, whatever. This one came up and it said, your best friend according to how they’ve liked your posts, Mike Beedle. Yeah, I’m like, that’s not a coincidence. Mike would see the best in you and the way he would make you feel, was that you mattered.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 07:42

That is such a, not necessarily skill. I guess it is a skill, because it is that empathy that everybody talks today about empathy and all of that but to truly embrace it and live it in everything, I’ve known people like that too, you can separate the BS from real stuff. Enterprise Scrum, I was talking to Rick. And just enterprise Scrum and where is it today? And he was describing this, who owns enterprise Scrum? And he’s like I can see parts of enterprise scrum everywhere in the sense of people, even with business agility and everything. What are your thoughts? I mean as far as, what was the potential of enterprise Scrum and in what ways does it live today and other things?

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 08:44

Well, so for me. I think I’d have to look at a timeline. I believe that Daniel Mesic and I and Mark Sheffield announced Leadership Scrum after Enterprise Scrum. It could be close, I don’t know. But all that I want to say is that, in the ways that I have worked with executive teams, and that they have embraced Leadership Scrum, which is probably just Scrum now, with the new scrum guide, it’s not a way of saying Scrum. But that’s the way that Enterprise Scrum is living, which is to say, Scrum teams everywhere. Scrum teams throughout the entire enterprise. And not dividing the enterprise by disciplines or line function silos, whatever you want to call it. And I’m seeing that, where I’m working today, we have these crosses discipline game developer teams and if you would have asked them several years ago, certain teams, they would tell you, no, there’s too many disciplines to fit on one team. There’s artists, there’s animators, there’s background artists, there’s voice and sound effects artists and producers and programmers and all these things. And so already, you’re over the head count for a scrum team. But then it works like you do find ways to have people maybe overlap a little and swarm. Anyway, so I’ve discovered that in movie production as well, I was just on this Scrum Alliance page the other day. I don’t know if the people who did that heard of Enterprise Scrum and that’s why they brought scrum into Newfields. But when I see it, I think of Mike and I think of Enterprise Scrum and he was just so straightforward about that. Basically, divide your organization by user demographic, by persona if you will, and have Scrum teams focused on satisfying the needs of the persona. And if you want to have more personas then slice the demographics that are great, have more sprinting’s, but that was his thinking. And I would like to see more business agility in the world in general, I think it’s easy to talk about and very hard to do.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 11:44

But I think the next 10 years will be about that business agility, where the last 10 years were all about, we talked about business agility, but really, it was just getting in trying to understand Scrum. And I think the next 10 years will be trying to understand what business agility is. And then maybe after that is actually understanding how to do it well or the concept that we’re talking about, probably what Mike and others have talked about is the whole structural change or factual change, the whole cultural change. I think that’s probably what we’re going to start seeing and pasting more and more on what we’ve been talking about, what people have been talking about for 30 years or so.

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 12:30

For sure. And one idea there, I don’t know, if I would imagine some of the people you’ve talked with, they mentioned subsumption architecture.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 12:38


Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 12:39

And in the beginning I thought like, oh, come on, this is another gimmicky thing and we’re just pulling that out because it’s part of the origin story of Scrum, right? Like the little robots, that just settled in, I guess was making in Boston or whatever. And maybe it is, maybe it’s not. And there was this big thing about like, okay, how can we define and explain subsumption architecture to a business person that is not necessarily program robots? And the cool thing about the way that Mike asked that question was, he put it out to the community, just like defining what’s the definition of enterprise scrum as a thing. He made it a collaborative process, which I think would be difficult, the community enterprise scrum community was not small at that time. But what I started getting out of it is that, there is a certain kind of empirical mindset, something that, we get out of our head, which is what contains our model of how the universe really is how, what so, what’s the physical reality out there, we get out of our model, and then we go, we get the information, and we operate and behave based on the information out there. That’s my version of what subsumption is, and I think organizations, maybe that goes by different moniker, maybe they call it like market mindedness or customer centrism or something like that. And I think that there is a lot of room for organizations to be outward facing rather than inward facing workplace. Yeah.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 14:31

And that’s kind of not just, the people that interviewed for this initiative for remember Mike but in general, I think everybody’s collectively saying the same things which could be part of group thing, but which could also be part of this paradigm truth, I think at the end of the paradigm we’re going into this new way of thinking, how do we structure organizations? Not just talking but actually doing it, and learning from and evolving from it. So I think at least, I’m excited about what’s going to come and like even COVID is going to force us to rethink and give us a kick in the butt to rethink and redo things. So what other stories do you remember? Do you remember stories that Mike would tell, I mean, anything that you think would be?

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 15:31

So the funniest memory I literally have of Mike was, in his training, it really had this entrepreneurial spirit. And I don’t know whether that was just a function of the economics of the time. People are between jobs sometimes. But also, there was these big booms, Facebook being a unicorn and acquiring other unicorns, and the curriculum was focused on the meantime, the unicorn is shrinking it like an exponential rate. So all this is unicorns, that’s unicorns and we would make these business models, business plans as part of the course. So there’s a lot of, what would you call that? Like Fractal design to the course. And anyway, so there was the first conference of enterprise Scrum. We also did an open space and in the open space, we were kind of just talking about different memes and phrases that come up a lot. And Mike said, because I want to get one of those, what do you call it? I guess a costume. I’m forgetting the name and he goes, I’m going to put on this unicorn hat or unicorn and walk up to the mic and say like, so do you believe me now, guys? It was just the dry pan look that he said it with and I couldn’t stop laughing. I just completely just, my sights were aching and everybody that was there to hear the joke, I just thought was the funniest thing. And we really were saying yeah, we got to do this. But that’s kind of his undying optimism. He was really serious. He keeps saying to people, we give our presentations to the rest of the class, like share back. And it’s like an execution ready, like operational model right there. He goes like, if you don’t do it, someone else will. Go on, make that business right now. And I think the people that had over the course just a couple of hours, you made this business plan, like really? Could I do that? He’s like yeah, like seriously. That’s the next unicorn. There’s a unicorn, there’s a unicorn. And yeah, and so, it was half in just, but half really serious, like he really could see these incredible organizations arising just out of people doing what we’re talking about like, say it now do it, execute, learn, rinse, repeat. And then I think like him also saying, you hear me saying go do it. But I don’t think you really hear me. Hear me now. What are you going to do? Dress up like a unicorn? So all of that, it’s my most vivid memory of Mike is enough humility to laugh at himself. But also the authentic belief that people are creative and people are industrious and people are brilliant. And they can.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 19:14

It’s possible. Yeah. And you remind me, I’ve had that feeling in the past. And I know how, it’s a fine line. And I think after a period, at least in my own experience, you lose the will and hope. But I know that there were certain startups that I was part of, where it’s a small, small part that made us and things that made us less successful than industry leaders. And when you taste that, when you see that, it is possible, I think and that’s probably where he was coming from, like go do it. It is and having people in your life to motivate you like that, and just to say it is possible, I think it’s priceless. And I tell all these people like having mentors and coaches in life, at least expedite my learning journey so much, because go ahead, do it. And I’m like, what’s the worst thing? Let’s do it.

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 20:23

Yeah, that was another thing that I, so what’s the worst thing that could happen? He wouldn’t say it, the way that he would say it is like, it’s all funny money anyway, like, investors, they don’t know what to do. They just want to see something grow and get a return; you’ve actually got an idea. It’s like, if you just tell them, the organization that you envision, the problem that you’re trying to solve, they’ll throw the money at you. Because it’s to them, it’s all just funny money anyway, what do you got to lose?

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 20:56


Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 20:58

Yeah. That is coming from that kind of mindset. Because he was the CEO of an organization that he actually grew through running Scrum. And I think maybe that’s where a lot of his optimism came from, is like look, I’ve seen this actually work in real life. And so I’m not going to just kind of back down and say, well, it was a good idea. Or I’m just trying to cheer you up. No, it was real and palpable for him. And he really wanted that reality to connect with people so that it inspired them to action, not just like, oh, I got a job, I got certified. He it got me a job interview, he wanted to see people really run with it.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 21:48

Exactly. And be happy. Just remind me, I don’t know if you’ve had friends but I’ve had, I always used to hang out with older kids. And I remember first time I jumped off the cliff, right? And it was like for lot of them, it was really what at least I remember specifics in situation, where I think it was just you get a feel this great feeling that we’re feeling and they’re pushing me to experience that, because they’ve experienced it. And I think that’s what reminded me of people that have seen scrum work, especially at the agile, they’ve done it. And I think, almost part of your mission becomes to get others, you get motivated and fulfilled by seeing others actually experience what you experience. And when you said that, that reminded me of that and there are certain things that I wanted others to experience. Because what I experienced in my belief in that experience.

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 22:57

So there was another moment that for me, it’s a crystallized moment in time. So, I had finished the two courses, it was like a Friday night. And the candidate trainers were all in a semi-circle around Mike. And this was where he’s going to ask us the question, which is, do you feel like you’re ready to be an enterprise scrum trainer? And I don’t remember whether I was first or not. But I remember how I felt and it was like Mike, I’ll be ready soon. There are so many books that you mentioned, that are part of the curriculum now. And I can’t teach this course without having read those books. Whether I said that, I don’t remember but that was going through my mind. And I remember on the other side of the horn, he’s going around the room and Michael Herman was there. And I hope I’m not misquoting or miss remembering. But Mike was like, Michael Herman said, yeah, I’m ready right now. And I could just see Mike Beedle’s eyes light up. He’s like, okay, we’re off to the races, go train this class. And that was really his energy, his intent and his mantra like, great. So we have all these trainers. And there were classes, people were running them. I think Simon Roberts was one of them. But he’s like, come on, you guys. I want to see more classes, offer them up and I’ll give you the support, whatever it takes. And he’s like, and if you don’t, I’ll go find some more trainers. Trainers are supposed to train and that was a good kick in the pants. That was I mean, he was taking huge risks financially and with his time, attention and health. And I think it was the right thing to do. I think it’s the right approach to take. And the other side of that is, so both boisterous, if you ever seen Mike or maybe I don’t know if you’ve heard this, when Mike Beedle wants to get attention in his class, he doesn’t put his fingers in his mouth and blow whistle. He just goes, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, big booming voice. I mean, he will have you pause, and then make his announcement. So very loud volume to get attention. But when he talks about Jeff Sutherland, he gets very quiet. And there’s a sense of reverence in his voice. And he told us, I think it was in the training, maybe the train the trainer, he said, I drove out to Jeff Sutherland’s home. And I told him, this is what I want to do. And I’d like to have your approval, I’d like to know that this is something that you see as being good for the world. And just so and gave me that approval. That’s what he told me. And maybe Ken Swaybar too, I’m not sure. But that said a lot for how much gratitude he has towards the people that made scrum available to the world. And it was years later that I learned the personal sacrifices that Ken Swaybar made, that he took out a second mortgage on his home. And he didn’t have income for a year as he would go and present Scrum to all the people. And I’m sure that there are more stories that Jeff Sutherland could relate about how he made sacrifices to make scrum available for the world. What’s important and relevant to me is how seriously Mike Beedle took that throughout his entire life and had gratitude towards Jeff Sutherland.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 27:21

I don’t think it’s just Jeff Sutherland, I mean, I think that says a lot about character. I think whoever it was, it’s probably not just Jeff and Ken that he was. It’s who he was probably. And it’s just that that speaks volumes in my opinion about the character and…

Speaker: Jon Jorgensen 27:43

Yeah. Genuinely grateful human being. Yeah. And another thing, so we had dinner at, I guess it was one of the conferences, and I happen to be sitting directly across from him at the table for dinner. And it’s no exaggeration to say I didn’t know much about his family, his children until that dinner, and he began telling me about his oldest, his son. And obviously, brilliant. I mean, gifted, brilliant and a great students. And we probably talked about his children and how much like, they were really great children, brilliant children with a wonderful bright future for like, hours. And I just thought this so great to see such I mean, a proud father doesn’t just describe it, like he was really a part of their lives. And they brought him so much joy, and so much gratitude.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 28:57

Yeah. I mean, it makes me think even stories like that, either it’s sometimes makes me feel guilty of like, do I spend enough or it’s just because, it’s a personal choice and for him to do that again, I’m sure he was busy and could have picked to do other things and I make excuses, I got to do this, I got to do another podcast. I got to prep for this. And it’s a good reminder. I think before everybody just, that we do have a choice of where we focus our times.

Karim Harbott: Remembering Mike Beedle ​| Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #57

Karim Harbott

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:35

Kareem, how did you meet Mike Beale?

Karim Harbott 00:38

I met Mike. I traveled to Berlin, I believe it was to take his enterprise scrum course. So a few of us went out there, VCST’s and CECs. And we went out to because I heard he created this thing. And I thought oh, that sounds interesting. And I’ll go and do that. And so we sat through his course. And we spent we went out a few times in evenings. And so that was where I initially met him. It was a really interesting couple of days and then worked with him subsequently. After that, but yeah, it was kind of spur of the moment thing really. But I’m glad I went for sure.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 01:18

This is a reoccurring theme where people talk about going with Mike, to dinners and it seems like he was big on these dinners. And people have described him in a similar way. But what was your take and how would you describe my both in class, as well as in these like more of a social after the training events?

Karim Harbott 01:44

He is passionate, right? He was passionate about business and about business agility, enterprise agility, but he’s is passionate about so many things right. And of you never had a dull time when you’re around Mike something interesting will always happen, interesting conversation or some interesting food or some exotic cocktails or whatever it was. It was never going to be just another night when you’re out with Mike. And I think that was the same with his work. Right? It was never just another class, he would always have an interesting spin on it. That was, you know, a lot of ways ahead of his time. So you’re always learning from Mike for sure.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 02:28

What are some of the things that you took from him in a sense of like, oh, this is a new way of thinking or maybe just the way that he impacted you. And the way that you look at things.

Karim Harbott 02:40

Yeah, he’s kind of one of the pivotal people in my career. Because at the time, I was I don’t know, I always been a scrum person. And I was teaching less large scale Scrum. But product development and software in particular for me, right, so software development, product development teams, one team, multiple teams, programs, and beyond. But Mike encouraged and challenged me to take what I was doing in that space and apply it to the whole organization, which I was aware of was happening and was necessary. But I’ve never really gone down that road in earnest. And it was after his enterprise scrum class where, you know, he was talking about in his words subsumption. Right. But well, we can just call that inspect and adapt on multiple levels, including at the organizational level. And actually creating truly agile organizations or business agility is the term I would use now. And I’ve never really gone down that road and it was after a few conversations with Mike that I thought, you know, what, actually, we can just create organizations that can create whole new products, services and whole business models, while still operating with what they do. And that was a big impact on me.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 03:59

What other ways like did enterprise scrum specifically, like, impacted the way that you look at frameworks and how much do you see of enterprise scrum in current frameworks? Because at that time you didn’t see as many maybe it was less, maybe a little bit of safe. I mean, that was, I guess, you know, but the scaling, I guess, was just starting to, probably…

Karim Harbott 04:30

Yeah, so you see bits of it. And I think for me, the strength of it was kind of the idea, right? It was that we can apply these things more broadly than at the product level. And at the center of it was the canvases right, he was really big on creating canvases and you can inspect and adapt on the product on a cadence around this big visual canvas and previously, I’d been a fan of the business model canvas and it fit quite nicely into that. And it was a big influence to me when I created the business agility Canvas because I was thinking about how can we visualize the transformation across all areas of the organization. So, you know, I come at it from a slightly different angle, but I mean, there’s no doubt that the canvases and the entier subsumption that might use to talk about in enterprise scrum has made its way into many different areas now, particularly my work but lots of work to so and I really enjoyed the visual elements of the canvases and the fact that we can all get around and talk about how various parts of this organization fit together. And that’s incredibly powerful.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:41

Yeah, and just visualizing work, I think just there are so people that I spoke and been talking to about Mike and one of the things that keeps coming, you know, which is, you know, what was he saying? Like, you know, idolize everything or something like that, and then also visualize everything. Do you remember any stories that Mike would tell that still stick around? Like, do you remember anything that he said, or some of his experiences that..

Karim Harbott 06:20

So I used to talking to him about the kind of the lead up and the kind of the aftermath of that Snowbird meeting in 2001. And I learned a lot about what was going on at the time from Mike. But there’s a quote that sticks in my head, and I say it in almost every one of my leadership courses, and he used to say it all the time, I tried to find it written down somewhere when I referenced it in my book, but he obviously didn’t write it down. He said, it’s easier to grow a unicorn than to transform a dinosaur. And he used to say it all the time. And I had it in my head. And as I started thinking, well, actually how many unicorns appear each year? Right? It’s a lot, and how many big traditional organizations truly reinvent themselves to be agile organizations. Maybe, you know, Satya Nadella to a certain extent with Microsoft and, highup potentially, but actually, there really aren’t very many of those. So and the more I think about it, the more I think you know what, he’s actually right, it maybe is easier to grow a unicorn than to transform a dinosaur. And then I start thinking, well, why don’t I just grow a unicorn, then instead of trying to help transform? I would be a lot more interesting. But yeah, that’s one of the quotes that stick with me the most from Mike.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 07:40

That is interesting. Because yeah, I mean, like, but what do you do? Like when the most of the world is dinosaurs? In a sense, they just let him die out. What was his take on it? Like, was it more, I mean, he talked about agility across the whole organization, business agility, he was probably one of the first people in our circles to talk about business agility. What was his take on like, changing the world and dealing with dinosaurs versus creating unicorns? I mean,

Karim Harbott 08:14

His take was that a lot of them are going to die out, right, the dinosaurs died out, right? Apart from some birds and some will be able to reinvent themselves, and the rest will die out. Because the organizations that are growing, that are being born, they are born with business agility in their veins. And so they have to go through a big transformation, right? They already are agile. And so you’re competing with those people now. And you are going start to struggle, and I think the next 5 to 10 years, we’ll see more and more of them disappear. And we’ll see more and more of these agile organizations appearing. So it’s going to be less a case of reinventing the old and more just that the new taking over. I think we’ll see a lot of those disappearing. And then I think he used to talk about, he used to predict that happening. And when it happens, who knows, but I think it’s coming for sure.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 09:06

Yeah, I agree. Definitely. I mean, like, it’s the environment is becoming so disruptive that like, if you can, you know, inspect and adapt quickly at organizational level, I joke around unless you’re government agency or insurance company, maybe a bank, but those are getting more and more pressure. So

Karim Harbott 09:30

yeah, where there are very high barriers to entry, you can get away with it, right. But those barriers are coming down and down and down. And suddenly you have these competitors. You know, I heard in the in the UK that one of the starter banks, the challenger banks, the so called Small challenger banks now has a bigger market capitalization and one of the big established retail banks like one of the four or five big high street. And you think that’s incredible. You never would have seen that coming five years ago. But in that short space of time, and what’s going to happen in the next five years, you know, these banks are going to have to update game right and he was talking about this all the time. And so it’s interesting to see it play out.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 10:07

Awesome. What would you like to finish with about Mike? What would, maybe to those that are listening anything that you would like to maybe conclude with?

Karim Harbott 10:25

I did a CSPO for Mike once out in the US. And I remember saying to him, Mike if there’s any bit that you want to like kind of do because obviously Mike’s a CST, Mike, know scrum a bit. And I was like I’ll just put you in every now and then he said yeah, sure, sure. And quite early on. I was doing the bit about, talked about traditional project management, and then they started to do the bit about the manifesto and how 17 guys came together. And the breakout and I was about to do the Snowbird thing. Maybe you should do this bit given you were there, and he just sat back and he just went, nah I want to watch you do it and then just laughed. Talk about intimidating. I had only been a CST for not very long. And then suddenly I’ve got to teach a whole bunch of students about the manifesto and Mike sitting right at the front grinning at me. I was like thank you, thank you for that. But I realized that was he was he like to have fun as well as well as work hard. So I survived it and apparently I got it pretty much right

Bob Sarni: Remembering Mike Beedle ​| Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #56

Bob Sarni


Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:38

So Bob, how did you meet Mike Beedle? What was your first encounter with Mike?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 00:44

Well, I’m trying to remember because as I get older my memories not as good. But I know I met him in an elevator, which is kind of weird, right? Because you don’t talk to people on an elevator, right? But I’m pretty sure I might be wrong about it. But this sticks in my mind, it was at a scrum gathering in Chicago, I think around 2008. And it was one of the early scrum gatherings and we were at this place called the Allerton hotel. And people that were at that scrum gathering will remember it because scrum gathering was on the upper floors, not like down on the main part of the hotel like they usually are. And there was like two or three elevators to get up to the upstairs. So and we had open space and the open spaces were on different floors. And it took forever when you got on the elevator. I mean, you would miss a session just because you’re waiting for the elevator. And I got on the elevator, a bunch of people, we’re crammed in there, and I was next to this guy. And he started talking to me, I’m like, wait, you can’t talk to me on the elevator, right? But it turned out it was Mike Beedle. And I just found him interesting right away, because he started talking about Scrum, and his history with Scrum and how he wrote a book with Ken Swaybar about Scrum. But then he also started talking to me, because we kind of hung around the rest of the conference together, started talking to me about Scrum patterns, enterprise Scrum, and just brought me in even more. And he’s the one that really opened my mind to Scrum, because I took my training from Ken Swaybar years before that. But I didn’t really get scrum until Mike introduced me to the scrum patterns. It kind of opened up my world and the possibilities of how we can use scrum in different ways. But that’s how I met Mike.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 02:35

That is awesome. And yeah, I remember you, I think introduced at least some of the patterns and especially like when you were here on the East Coast and talking about the blob, I remembering classes with the department that you’ve taught here, in what other ways did Mike influence you?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 02:58

Probably the biggest way Mike influenced me was through the scrum patterns, and I do a lot of work in the Chicagoland area. I lived in Illinois for a while and kind of lived all over but I still do work in Chicago land. And so Mike lived in Chicago, right? I can’t remember where but the outskirts of Chicago, so we would get together often. So we would have these long discussions, we would get together, his favorite thing was sushi. Right? So for sushi and drink hours and hours we would talk about Scrum patterns and enterprise Scrum. And he got me more interested in enterprise Scrum. And eventually, I became a certified trainer in enterprise Scrum. But we just kind of had this relationship over the years, just getting together and talking about Scrum and eating sushi.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 03:50

And apparently drinking a lot to, right?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 03:52

Well, yeah. Well, we won’t talk about that too much. But yeah, there were some of that.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 03:56

Everybody that I talked to it’s like when Mike is eating and drinking after the trainings, you’ve done some cool trainings with him as well. What was that experience like?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 04:05

Yeah, it was kind of interesting. So I think he approached me, so I met him in 2008. And he approached me around 2011 because I was doing some classes close to where he lived. And even though he co-wrote the book with Ken Swaybar, the first book on Scrum and he had been implementing scrum for years. He decided he wanted to become a certified scrum trainer. And so, during that time, the scrum alliance had a requirement that if you wanted to become a certified scrum trainer, you have to co-train with people, which was kind of weird to me, so he came and co-trained a lot with me, the local classes around by where he lived, he would come in, do some of the topics, talk about enterprise Scrum. Then we would go out for sushi and drinks after the class. But we did a lot of that together and eventually he became a certified scrum trainer.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:00

So this criminalize didn’t make any exceptions even for Mike.

Speaker: Bob Sarni 05:05

Yeah, well, they make a couple of exceptions for some people, but not for Mike for some reason. So he had to go through the whole thing. And so we did a lot of co-training together. So we got to know each other even better.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:18

Nice. When it comes to enterprise, from my perspective, many people I’ve talked to, they saw Mike, the way that he was thinking and looking ahead, as far as what’s coming as far as scaling business agility, what are your thoughts on business agility in general and his foresight or what he was doing with enterprise scrum at that time? And it’s probably been on his mind way before he started popularizing or trying to put it into a framework.

Speaker: Bob Sarni 05:59

Well, if you had the chance to talk to Mike, he been coming up with enterprise scrum since the Adam and Eve, right? But from the first time I met him even though Ken Swaybar came out with a book enterprise and Scrum years and years ago, he’s the first one that really was really talking about enterprise Scrum. Others were as well, but in a way that really made sense to me, that we could take these concepts and this mindset and we can spread it throughout the whole organization, right? And achieve the business agility and get better at understanding our market and our customers and the people in our organization, right? He’s the first one that really kind of brought me into that world and, again, changed my life, he changed my life in so many different ways.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 06:54

I think we live in the world where a lot of frameworks are prescriptive, and they’re based on patterns, but they’re a lot more prescriptive. And I think, kind of where we had it too is like, what enterprise Scrum is about, which is contextualizing those patterns. And I was never part of that group that you guys were as far as like the trainers and like, but to me, it seems like the future and what really works is contextualize these patterns in your context, doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. Do you see it that way? How do you see enterprise Scrum living on after Mike in what ways?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 07:38

Yeah, unfortunately, I think for those of us that were really involved, we’ve embraced the concepts, we’re using them in our own way. Because that’s really what patterns are, I mean, a pattern really is a solution to a problem in a specific context. And it’s not meant to be prescriptive. So you just really have to understand what is the essence of that pattern? How might you use it? What benefit you get from it, and you adapt it to what works for you, right? And you can create sequences of these patterns. And so I think Mike just had a really good understanding of how these fit together. And they’re not meant to be prescriptive, mean that they’re just meant to kind of show you some light, right? Show you a way, right? And then you make them your own.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 08:26

And you evolved and I’m assuming too, as you go, right?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 08:30


Speaker: Miljan Bajic 08:31

You had a dinner just before Mike Smarter. What did you guys discuss?

Speaker: Bob Sarni 08:40

Well, we discussed a lot of things, but typically our discussions were about enterprise Scrum, business agility, Scrum patterns. So if I remember correctly, we went to one of his favorite places, that we went to a lot called The Real Club. It was in Oak Brook, Illinois. Sushi, right? And I can’t remember when we had it, but it was probably a couple months before unfortunately his life was taken from him, but I’ll always remember that dinner and I think about him often, even today.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 09:14

Yeah, I mean, it’s just I know, I was shocked. My first encounter to him, well with Mike was in Dublin. I think it was 2016 maybe, whatever that conference, global gathering was. And it was just interesting how humble he was. What other, I guess experiences have you had or things about Mike, maybe that you would like to share? If there’s anything.

Speaker: Bob Sarni 09:47

Yeah, most of our get togethers and they were frequent for quite a while were mostly about enterprise Scrum and Scrum patterns and the world of work, how can we make things better for people in their lives when they go to work. We did have some experiences at scrum gatherings and things like that. One that really stands in mind was a scrum gathering in Amsterdam. I really can’t go into all that we did there. But I think that was the one time we didn’t really talk about Scrum patterns or enterprise scrum we just enjoyed the atmosphere.

Michael Herman: Remembering Mike Beedle ​| Agile to agility | Miljan Bajic | #55

Michael Herman


Speaker: Miljan Bajic 00:40

What was your first encounter with Mike Beedle?

Michael Herman 00:42

I came from a background where I was doing a lot of organization development, that turned into open space work and I did a bunch of things in open space. And then I met Dan Mesick who taught me about Agile and I had already worked with Agile Alliance and done some things and that got me positioned to be a scrum master and somebody offered me a scrum master job. And they said, you better go get certified just in case the client requires it. Said okay, so I went, it was December so not so many courses were going on and so I looked up one, and the only one available was Mike Beedle’s class in Chicago. So I signed up, and I went and that was it. I went through the class, like everybody else so okay, we sit for two days and take the test and get the piece of paper and then go do the job. That was it. But then, when I really met Mike, was when he came back. Must have been about a year later and said, I’m going to pilot this training and enterprise scrum and he was inviting everybody who trained with him to come do this, if they wanted. And so I said, okay, I’ll go back and see what he’s doing. So that started a very intense, year, a year and a half of learning around enterprise Scrum, where he offered at least four, maybe five, or whatever, several rounds of enterprise scrum training in Chicago, and he was doing them in New York, as well. But he offered these and he did two days of scaling and two days of business agility. So it was four days and took all week, and then it sort of blew my head up for another week where I had to make sense of everything that even the fourth time going through it, we were always opening new stuff. So that’s how I met Mike and how I met Mike again.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 03:36

And that second time around for the enterprise scrum you said you really met Mike, how would you describe Mike?

Michael Herman 03:46

The first word that comes to mind is just his generosity in this, which might also tie in with just his passion for the work and the people that the work was supposed to serve, because he was always clear about the Agile is about people first. And the enterprise scrum work he was doing was unique and advanced. And at the beginning in that first year, he was just about giving it away to everybody. And you didn’t just go to two or four day training piece. Seems like just about every day Mike was buying lunch for people in the restaurant, in the hotel. Just stories about people calling him from different places he’d been training or groups he’d worked with. And oh, yeah, these guys called me and then they had this, they were up against this, and we talked about that, and we worked out and this is what they ended up doing. So there are all these stories of people just calling him and having these conversations and after he died, there are so many of those sorts of stories, that people were just remembering that you could just call him and ask him and he was just giving his expertise.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 05:45

But also a lot of people that I’ve interviewed so far said that he was so generous with his time, not just buying people drinks or just making people comfortable, he would invest his time to get to know you to ask about what’s going on in your life and just in general, whatever it was, it seems, that was also who Mike was.

Michael Herman 06:10

Yeah, for sure. So he was just amazing in that way, giving his time and attention to whatever you were working on.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 06:29

What are the things that you learned from Mike that impacted you, that maybe impacted how you do things?

Michael Herman 06:39

I came in from a background where I had practiced with people consciously, than explicitly self-organization, before I got to agile. Open space is a practice, an invitation in self-organization. When I met the Agile community before the Agile Alliance, the Agile XP universe conference in 2002, I facilitated a track in open space and when they brought me in, and they told me what Agile was, I just laughed, because I said, you’re making software in open space, why do you need me to do an open space at your conference? You’re doing this. And they said, yeah, but we don’t know how to do it in a conference. I said okay. So I had been working for years, teaching and practicing, inviting self-organization and yet, in the Agile community, most people I met, gave me the impression that I couldn’t actually get in and do the work, because I didn’t come from a software technical background. The first thing I got from Mike was validation 100% agreement, acknowledgment that what I had been doing was completely consistent with what Agile was about for him. What I told the Agile people in the very beginning that I met, I said, to me it looks like we’re doing the same thing, we put all the most important stuff on the wall, and then we get it done. And so Mike first validated that sense of the core that it was people driven. And other things could be that way that weren’t software or technology or scrum guide rules, sort of stuff. And then with enterprise Scrum, he showed me that he really, well, we used to have conversations about when you put up a canvas, do you have one big open space with lots of little boxes sort of an organized open space? Or do you really have nine or 12 or however many boxes you have in the canvas, do you have that many small open spaces all bound together? And we joke back and forth around that a little bit but we never came up with a definitive answer and it didn’t matter. The point was that enterprise scrum to both of us was as good as ongoing open space.

What we had talked about for years and years and open space community, ongoing open space, Mike had a way to do it. And so what I saw is open space starts things really well, you can start out with anything, any organization, any domain, any context, and bring people together and get them moving. And then what I’d seen through some years of working with groups in open space, is that they went back to their organization, they didn’t always know how to keep things moving. Keep the space open. Well, in the same way, Agile has its way of putting all this stuff up on the wall but they don’t always start by bringing together the right people, they bring together the small group, the team that’s going to develop it and pull in a few people from the business.

Well, open space lets you bring in could be hundreds of stakeholders, just start designing and understanding this thing before it gets to the developers. So I saw the two of those, these ways of approaching things could go together and now, everywhere I can, when I do an open space, I show people a canvas and say this is how you can organize what’s in your proceedings document in ways that can be actionable and rigorous and structured a bit, still perfectly structured to your work but it can be structured in a way that you can keep getting things done, keep the space open after the event. Those two pieces, the way of inviting and the way of rigorously managing it, making what Mike called, he just simply called visualize everything that matters. The first training, I remember doing enterprise Scrum, he gave us the briefing, and he walked out of the room, as he often did, and just left us just like Harrison Owen with open space; you leave, you do the opening, and then you leave.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 12:02

Exactly here you go.

Michael Herman 12:06

So I’m gone and 20 minutes later, he comes back, and we’re supposed to have filled up this canvas and we’ve been talking about a lot of stuff but there are no stickies on the wall. And he comes in, and he had printed out these papers that everybody had a canvas on the piece of paper, as well as what’s on the wall. And he’d pick up one of these papers. Guys, guys, it’s just a canvas. Just do it.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 12:34

Exactly, but it’s like…

Michael Herman 12:38

It’s so simple. Don’t make it complicated. Just do it. And that was another piece that I picked up.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 12:50

It is and also I actually just spoke with Dan Mesick before this call and we talked about how Mike was in many ways ahead of his time. He’s seen this stuff, even to acknowledge the open space the way that he did. Not necessarily that far out, but just to embrace it to understand from a complexity and from self-organization…

Michael Herman 13:18

The essence, he could see what was really happening not what we say is happening. Yeah.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 13:25

And that’s really key. You really have to know the underlying principles and patterns of, in my opinion, to be able to detect that and say, I might not be an expert on it but that’s the right thing to do in this context.

Michael Herman 13:46

Yeah, to see that essence and to embrace it, and encourage it, and not require everybody to speak your language, whatever language you think is supposed to describe what’s happening, there are many ways and he described enterprise Scrum, in just those terms actually. He used to describe it as a language for managing change. It wasn’t the thing that was happening. It’s not the thing you’re doing. It’s the thing you’re doing, the language you’re using to describe what’s happening. So in that way, there was a lot less imposition in it and a lot more local shaping of it wasn’t allowed because it didn’t rely on being the thing we were doing. It was the thing we were using to do what we were doing, and that could change just like we make up new words and language. We could change the practice, we could adapt the practice. So understanding enterprise Scrum and other things in general as the language for managing change and learning and adaptation was a much deeper cut than most people.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 15:22

Well, especially in the context when we talk about 2010, 2015, where it’s all about prescriptive practices and if we see now, and probably what we’ll see less focus on those prescriptive frameworks, and more on patterns and understand contextualizing things. And, like you say, using those languages, rather than just blindly following practices that you have some basic idea, but you don’t understand the underlying reason for that practice, he’s just doing it because somebody said so, it’s somewhere in the graph that says, you should do daily standup? Why? I don’t know. We should answer these questions. Why? I don’t know, it sounds like a good idea, but not having any core understanding. What other stories do you remember? Do you remember any stories that Mike would tell or anything that kind of stood out that…

Michael Herman 16:23

Well, I don’t know about story, one of the things that sort of surprised me along the way, not so much a story, but when I discovered that, in addition to his physics background, that he was a theoretical physicist, and having been advanced in that place, and then gone to finance and because he was developing software to do the financial work, he was advancing, then he got into software. And that’s how that he met other guys who wrote the manifesto into all that so this was his third cut on stuff. That arc all made sense but then after he died, I don’t think I knew until till he started talking to other people after he died. And I started seeing these videos of him playing music, and making his music and that was a whole another side of Mike that I didn’t know very well, but was this other deep cut, apparently, completely unrelated. And, I mean, everything is related everything at some level, but this other thing that he was way into, and that was just amazing. and he made mention it along the way, riding his bike down from the north side, down into the city, and swimming along the lake, and then riding his bike back and he had he’d been a big soccer player and so he had this whole athletic side that had been competitive and active in different sports. The other thing, going back to early days, when he would tell stories about all these books, he was reading as a kid, very young, he’d be ordering all these books and studying all this stuff on his own. And so in all these different dimensions, he was just such an active learner, an active participant in the game. So that was just amazing, the different kinds of things that he had gone deep with.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 19:38

And that’s, I think, an inspiration. I had some idea but you just shed light on some of the other things that I really had no idea and it’s making me at least think about the current space and at least a lot of us are focused on agile and I don’t know who. I was talking to somebody recently and they said maybe it was Steve Barons, and he was saying stepping out of the Agile space, go take a class with somebody else or just try to get better at something else and you’ll be able to bring some of that back into what you’re doing. And I think what you just shared remind me of that, there is much more to what we’re doing than just the current space that we’re in.

Michael Herman 20:31

You remind me, Mike loved that new stuff coming up, going into new territory. He started out he was teaching enterprise Scrum for software scaling and then he would move on to business agility and in the first two days and then the second half of the week, he would do the business agility. And I didn’t have a business or a scaled operation I could work with, I was working with single teams, doing regular Scrum, trying to learn it. And what I did is I went and I gave him a canvas. And I said, here’s the whole thing. And we put the sprint backlog in the center, where Mike’s primary valueless was, and all the other boxes,

I wrapped her I sort of pushed all the boxes of the canvas out to make a single frame. And what I found is that all the issues that come up in the daily Scrum or chatting with people, they all go in one of those other boxes. I started to describe the canvas as all of the stuff that we need to do but then all the stuff we need to do in order to do that, what we call the real work of developing this set of features or whatever. But then Mike never missed it, bringing this example, hey, here’s something weird that Michael did. And it’s working. And you look at this, so he loved when people did weird stuff with what he taught, and came back with some new thing that had worked. And he really believed and emphasized so much that these patterns could work in any domain.

And so I went out from what I learned with Mike and we used enterprise scrum in economic development in a sort of midsize city department, we have been looking at how to do it with developers and city folks, developing partly to meet the housing issues, but generally just developing more human scale, developing building projects, small developers, instead of the big box stuff in cities. I’ve worked with people publishing a journal, we did an open space, and we ran in this academic journal, talk about how we do this in an ongoing way from a canvas.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 23:52

Well, that’s the thing. I was just talking to Evan from business agility institute. And in a sense, a lot of this is applicable to many different industries and I was asking, one of the things that came from their research is communication and collaboration. The biggest thing that people see from business agility is that communication and collaboration improves. And I think if you go in most or 99% of organizations, they would say that communication and collaborations number one issue or number two issue, number three issue, probably not any lower than that. And I think some of these concepts, including open space is all about how do we bring people together and to self-organize and to figure things out because we’re dealing with complexity and trying to limit that and constrain it in hindsight, only actually hinders it. So it really becomes how can we self-organize in a better way. And I think that’s something that most people, when you look at why we do certain things in open space or in general is overlooked, but it’s like, why does the tree grow the way that it does or why do we have these things in nature, there’s a reason for it.

Michael Herman 25:24

You remind me. This is the single most important thing I think I learned from Mike. And it goes to what you’re saying about what Evan is learning with collaboration and communication and what everybody talks about in an organization. And I think Mike put his finger on it when he said, “visualize everything”. When I stood back from the cycle that Mike described, it’s the usual scrum cycle, but in simple terms, from visualize everything to review and improve, he said, retrospective that’s backward looking. I mean, he relanguaged scrum with enterprise Scrum, and brought things like reviewing and improve. The point was, you look back, and you look forward. And so when I take the pieces of this, I see that it starts with visualizing everything. And we don’t have problems in organizations with communication. The example Harrison Owen uses as long as I’ve known him, he says, tell me the last time a really bad piece of information hit the grapevine and how long did it take to get from one end of the organization to the other went like that, you don’t have a communication problem, you got a message problem. People don’t care about the thing that you’re talking about. So the communication isn’t a problem. Collaboration isn’t a problem.

Retrospectives aren’t hard, or learning. What I learned with Mike was visualize everything. That’s the weird thing. That’s the thing we tend not to do, when all we show you part of my story, I don’t want you to see this other stuff down here that I’m holding it, that’s my expertise. That’s the black box, when you throw it over, I put it in there and that’s my magic and I can’t show you that. And so we don’t have that learning together. But once you visualize everything, whether it’s on a canvas, rigorously or loosely, I mean, I’ve seen canvases work after open space, where we just took several hours of open space notes, and took 20 minutes and threw everything into a canvas. And I’ve seen community art center, watercolor artist, like the water and so once you visualize everything, the natural way, there’s always too much to do. So people stand back and they say, oh, shit, that’s a lot, how are we going to do that? And somebody says, well, what if we start over here? And somebody says, well, no, this seems more important. And bang, you’re into prioritization. Absolutely naturally, couldn’t stop people from prioritizing…

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 28:25

And also enabling collaboration, right?

Michael Herman 28:29

Yeah. And then once you’ve had that conversation, you say, well, these are the few most important things, well, then the obvious thing is to do them, pull those, you don’t even have to pull them, they jump off the board at you and they jump into this extra side pile that you say, this is the stuff we’re going to focus on for now. And whether you define now as every two weeks, or a month, or whatever now is, we’re at least going to work on those. And once you get those going with that focus, you will deliver them. And yeah, there are ways you mean, we can teach people different ways to prioritize, and we can bring different ways of taking that break and looking back and looking forward to reviewing and improving. But all of those other behaviors we talked about, happen completely in my experience after I work with Mike, I see that those happen completely naturally. If we do the first weird thing of visualizing everything and what Mike’s Canvas in enterprise scrum did different canvases was give people a framework for visualizing their work, visualizing everything, don’t leave anything out. Everything that matters goes on the canvas, and then working with some of these nonprofit and public groups, neighborhood association, for instance. It’s not just everything that matters that goes on a wall. And I never got to share with Mike but he would have loved this learning.

Everyone who matters goes on the board especially matters in nonprofit community organizations, but it matters in businesses too. Whenever anybody joins, and when you start everyone in the group ought to see where their work is on the board, and a new person joins, and they say, oh, how can I help? And you say, well look around and put your name on some of these things where you might be the guy to do this. Or if you look around and say, yeah, but what about x or what about y? Well, you put that on the board and put your name on it because if you see something that you can do, that we haven’t thought that we could do, and it adds something, and this is an open space piece of it, put it up. So everything that matters, and everyone who matters, and you know you’re in this group, you know you’re a part of the work, because you’re on the board, as well.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 31:08

And as you were saying that, that remind me because the biggest takeaway that you describe is visualize everything. You have to unpack that, right. And I think what I’m seeing, it’s really understanding human beings that we’re visual people. And the reason that you say, visualize everything is because at the end of the day, it’s those behaviors, it’s that mental models that we might have and when we visualize, it’s easier to get on the same page, it’s easier to collaborate. Visualization is a tool to help us as human beings to get stuff done or to organize around things. So that makes me kind of think that maybe and I haven’t really heard anybody say this, but between the lines, I bet, Mike knew a lot more about people and people’s behaviors, and psychology more than what probably people give him credit for because he probably didn’t talk about it, but he knew exactly because people are talking that he was it’s all about people, it’s all about some of the things that people are describing, make me think that he knew a lot more about people and how people interact, and social side of that, as well.

Michael Herman 32:32

Yeah. And had the capacity to hold with some comfort, more comfort than most. The complexity of all those relationships and interactions and it came out in his technical descriptions of subsumption, and how the different parts of an organization could work in subsumption, which I think I’ve met one guy along the way since I learned this word from Mike, who knew what subsumption or subsumptive logic was or is.

But Mike described it in terms of the robots and the subsumptive logic that they built into these robots, that they wouldn’t have to be loaded with all the knowledge, all the different parts, when you turn on the robot, they’d flop around each leg would learn, and would report back what it was learning and it would learn again how to walk every time you turned it on. What that required was every part doing what it could, how Mike described it, doing what it did best, and contributing that to the whole. So you needed a way for the different parts to understand each other and that’s where you get to this enterprise scrum as a language. So language for all the different parts of the organization to talk to each other about their work so they can do this very specific, very specialized kind of work, what they do best and still have a framework that maps to everybody else, and a way to connect it. We’ve talked so far about what a canvas could do in terms of visualizing everything for a group but the next leap of that was that this canvas could be adapted with small adaptations in every part of the organization and when you put them all together, they link and everybody can speak the same language, can describe their work in the same framework, so we could talk to each other and learn together and people can change places within that.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 35:23

That’s like, when I see maybe sociocracy, it’s understanding systems, and understanding homes and understanding that structure that we see in nature, and what I’ve seen especially more emphasis over the recent years in understanding how things work in nature, and trying to say what can we learn from that? What are some common patterns and how would we contextualize that to the business world and the world that we as humans are constructing, and making collectively.

Michael Herman 35:57

Another pattern you remind me of is, I told him early on that what I thought was kind of marvelous about the canvas and of course, he borrowed from Alex (inaudible 36:12) but the canvas, in itself has this one end that starts with the suppliers in production sort of inputs and it ends with a customer. And he put purpose at the top, which was an adaptation from Alex and Alex put the purpose in the center, Mike put the purpose and Alex called it the value proposition. But Mike sort of elevated that and called it mission purpose, different things like that, and put metrics at the bottom. And so he set up these tensions between purpose and where it got realized and measured, and stuff coming in, and the benefits coming out. And so the way Mike’s canvas took shape was that it looked like a medicine wheel wrapped around a piece of work. So you had a Western get it done in the center, and you had the Eastern or native, the older traditions, the notion of the tensions in nature, in terms of the 4 points of the compass, and all the story that these were, very new story in the center of a very old story.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 37:41

Exactly but I think it goes back to looking at things holistically and bringing things not just looking from the doing part, but looking at things. You need both of those and like you said, the Western part, as far as I understand what you’re saying is focused more on that doing part or the measurable part, where Eastern is more and usually one points finger at each other, but you really need both. What would you like to end with? This has been great. I think, this is my longest conversation, so I’ll definitely have to make this .(inaudible 38:18) I’ve really enjoyed our conversation.

Michael Herman 38:21

Good luck. You got your work cut out for you, at least with me because I end up bringing stories from everywhere. I just think we’ve covered a lot of the things. I’m just glad you’re doing this. Thank you for doing this. Because I think Mike had a lot of things a little bit figured out, in the sense that he could see them, he could taste them, he could draw them, but they’re not really figured out until we had all figured them out. And so all of what I learned from Mike, in the couple of weeks, right after he died, I said I’ve got to stabilize my own learning and if it’s helpful for anybody else, that’s great and so I put out this guide. And I think that helped me stabilize what I learned and the stuff he had figured out won’t be really figured out until lots of people figure it out and so we need to keep telling the stories. We need to keep sharing and developing the stories. So I’m just glad that you are gathering another take on these stories so that more people can understand the genius of what he was into.

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 40:25

Exactly. And I think the next 10 years one of the things that when I thought about my podcast this Agile to agility, I think the next lot of last decade was about agile and practices. The next I think 10 years will be more about agility and figuring out what Mike was discussing and we need both. But I think we’re slowly starting to figure out that, just looking at frameworks alone and prescriptive practices has not worked. And how do we look at things from Mike’s perspective, and looking at these different patterns, and visualizing things, and not being dogmatic about what we do, but like you said, and what you shared here is, how can we get a lot more people to understand these things, because only to get them when we’re on the same page, and we understand the importance behind these things, will be able to move us collectively.

Michael Herman 41:26

Yeah, and you remind me that it’s even more than understanding, we have to just do them. It’s just the canvas just do it and learn it and do it. You remind me that there’s a tyranny of sorts in these things where you said, everybody was asking right after Mike died, where’s his book, where’s his book, he was writing this book. And reflecting again, on my time with Mike, and what we’ve been talking about here, his different stories, it’s all about the learning, the doing and the learning. To his credit, Mike was so deep into the learning of all this stuff, he couldn’t finish the book because he kept learning, his learning was moving too fast to edit out and write what he has learned. And it shouldn’t have to be a book to keep going. You have to get out of have the learning and lock it all down in a book and make it…

Speaker: Miljan Bajic 42:41

So somebody else give me the recipe, right? Yeah.

Michael Herman 42:45

You make it that kind of solid, and then it all collapses. Because it’s this point in time that now is obsolete, and how do you get back to the learning? The good news is and the bad news is Mike never got to write the book, because he was so deep into the learning and advancing what he was doing. So I think that’s really something to aspire to where we’re just in it and telling the stories and learning from the stories and we just keep going. It’s not about the book.